Sunday, February 4, 2024

Let's have a ball, girl...

Debbi Fields was one of the first girls hired (at the age of 13) in Oakland 
as a "ball girl" a term they used for the girls that teams hired to throw shag balls in the foul area.  Later, as an entrepreneur, she, with the help of her husband, Randy Fields, operated the business of Mrs. Fields Cookies.  
After they divorced in 1996, she then married Michael Rose in 1998.   Shows she has appeared on include "Vicki!," "The New Hollywood Squares," and "Frazier."


Turned out to be a pretty lady, too...


With nearly all ballots counted from Saturday's vote, 
he won all 55 pledged delegates. It was the first official Democratic primary ahead of this year's presidential election. Biden - who faces little competition within his party - pledged to make Republican Donald Trump a "loser".
The president recalled how South Carolina voters "breathed life" into his 2020 campaign and said he had "no doubt" they would set him on the path to winning the presidency in 2024. Democrats Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips trailed far behind Mr Biden, with preliminary figures suggesting they had only secured 2% of the votes each.


CNN - the news network that's desperately trying to turn itself in to something other than what it's become - is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinians perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in Gaza.
'Journalists' in CNN newsrooms in the US and overseas say broadcasts have been skewed by management edicts and a story-approval process that has resulted in highly partial coverage of the Hamas massacre on 7 October and Israel’s retaliatory attack on Gaza.
“The majority of news since the war began, regardless of how accurate the initial reporting, has been skewed by a systemic and institutional bias within the network toward Israel,” said one CNN staffer. “Ultimately, CNN’s coverage of the Israel-Gaza war amounts to journalistic malpractice.” No matter what they try to do editorially, they'll never be able to right that ship with people like that working for them. Juss' sayin'...


The very first woman I fell in love with...
As silly and mundane as they were, they served their times well. 
Beach movies usually pretty much had the same themes and storylines but were always, at the very least, fun and entertaining.  
The movie "Beach Party" was no exception, filled with music and dancing, partying on the beach, bikinis everywhere, and surfing.  
Annette Funicello and that lucky bastard Frankie Avalon, the two main characters in this movie, as well as many others, were always seen as being head over heels in love with each other and dedicated to each other.  It's also interesting to note that Annette Funicello, unlike the other girls in the movies, always dressed in the most modest bathing suits. 
What a major crush she was to me back when I was 12.

Some people who know better call it Sunday gravy, while other who don't know better call it Sunday sauce. A lotta people will get pretty jacked up on the subject of how it’s called, but I really don’t care what anyone calls it, I just care about how GREAT it tastes. 
Nana Min's secret to a great gravy? Leave it on the stove for at least seven hours, so if you're gonna have dinner at 3:00, ya better get up early and start browning the meats...

Valentine's Day is coming up very soon.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 30.00 and that includes free shipping!

The Lower East Side, Manhattan NY, 1967





  1. You just know that Annette had to have one of those huge hairy dago bushes,right? As far as Sunday gravy, I’m with you and your nana,low and slow baby. My mother’s secret was chicken wings with the rest of the meat.Odd though they never appeared on the meat platter though

  2. I fell in love with her while she was a Musketeer. Defintely my first crush

  3. The Beach movies are great. Recently watched through a bunch on Prime.
    Many great actors that I would likely never have heard of otherwise - Buster Keaton, Harvey Lembeck, Elsa Lanchester

    Mark in PA

  4. My wife and I saw Annette up in Reno in the late 90's. We were having dinner at the Peppermill when she came in with her family. She was frail, in a wheelchair, and still just as beautiful as she always was.

  5. If that pic of the lower East side would have been taken in '65, there would be me in a horizontal yelow/white striped shirt being dragged around by mom. Where else could she buy kids shirts and underwear for 25cents each or less? Wistful that those times are gone, big box retailers just don't have the atmosphere and excitement of a bargain found. Yeah, I looked a bit like Charlie Brown, but so did most of us back then.

  6. I was in 3rd grade and "Mickey Mouse Club" was one of the most popular kids shows on the TV. I cannot remember where I got her B&W photo of Annette, but it was pinned to my bulletin board above the headboard of my bed. The photo's lips were worn out by me kissing her every night before I went to sleep. I remember my two sisters chiding me for wearing out Annette's lips.


  7. So, the most dangerous times to drive in New York correspond to evening rush hour, 6-7 PM, and in Jersey, an hour later, 8-9 PM . I assume the hour in between corresponds to the delays at the bridge and tunnels !

  8. We always knew it as sauce, but whatever. The best secret ingredient is ox tails - cooked long and slow, they release a ton of collagen and make the sauce incredibly unctuous !

    1. That was the reason my mother tossed in the chicken wings, the wing tips are loaded with collagen

  9. @ Terrapod
    should been around in '47, 25¢ - highway robbery!
    BTW: l'd like to see a pic of the same street taken today.

  10. Walt Disney asked her to not wear the small stuff, because she was a standard for Disney. Out of respect for Mr. Disney she wore the more covered up swim suits of the day.
    God, how I miss her.
