Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I want my (old) MTV...

I'm so old, I remember when MTV actually featured music videos in it's programming...   

I know you've heard this 1,000 times before, but it's truer today than ever. Between jack-ass contests like the Jersey Shore - all of the cast were not from Jersey by the way. And what's with that drag queen shit? Just a thought - all of the guys I've seen on that Rude Paul show have boobs - or what look like boobs, anyway. Do any of these clowns get boob jobs or are they just stuffing Kleenex'? (Asking for a friend)

Zach Kanin was one of my Illustration instructors 
at The New School way back when...

I would damn near kill for one around here.


Why do they have to roll out some new kinda bullshit poll every fuckin' day? 
We all know they're meaningless, and they just keep throwing them at us 
day after day after boring, vapid day


Think shit's expensive in your Piggly-Wiggly?
 Don't think about moving to Hawaii. 
Check out the price on that dog food 
(as the lovely Barbara calls)...




Glenn Horowitz, a rare-book dealer; Craig Inciardi, a former Rock & Roll Hall of Fame curator, and Edward Kosinski, a memorabilia seller, are charged with conspiring to own and try to sell manuscripts of Hotel California and other Eagles hits without the right to do so.
You can find a bit more back-story to this here:




The things they do in Jesus' name...

In case you don't know, that's an exorcism kit for a priest.

It's my opinion (and only mine I think) that Brian may doesn't get nearly enough credit for being one of the best, most stylized guitar slinger in our rock era. Not the fastest, the flashiest or anything else - just damn good.

Since when do you need a reason
to buy her something nice?
Click on the picture for more information on this unique hand-made bracelet.
It's only $ 28.00 and that includes free shipping!



  1. Gotta agree with you regarding Brian May...the first time I heard Killer Queen and that sound he produced, I was hooked....I hear he's a decent astro physicist as well...

  2. Part of what made May's guitar so appealing was that he played it with a English coin as a pick.

  3. That is not an exorcist kit it is a Vampire Kit ( and as I remember from an old Art Bell web page description would also help protect against werewolves too) The pointed stake at the very front with the wooden mallet are the big clues. It was not endorsed by the church if you are curious

  4. I agree about Brian May. Deacon and Taylor were also world-class, just not in the same galaxy-class as May or Mercury.

    I'd put May overall against any of the other 'greats' and he'd hold his own. As you said, not the fastest, not the loudest, but probably the most... symphonic.

    Someone did an analysis of his guitar playing and, surprise, it's not like anyone else's playing. It's more like a singer, with small pauses and swelling, with vibrato.

    To top it off, he's wicked smart, like world-class astrophysics dude who has consulted with lots of people about astrophysics stuff. Not your normal drunk coke-head player.

  5. I heard and interview a few years ago with one of the Monkees (can't recall which one now) and in that a claim was made that he'd made the first music video by filming himself playing a track as part of an audition (or something) - post fame I guess. The interviewer raised it rather than the Monkee but the story was confirmed by the Monkee and sounded eminently plausible.

    1. I heard that Michael Nesmith's (of the Monkees) laser disc called "Elephant Parts" actually led to the creation of MTV, but I never heard this one....
