Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Here's how easy it is to start WWIII...

 1: Give Ukraine Russia's money.
2: Let Ukraine join NATO.
According to, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday offered her strongest public support yet for the idea of liquidating roughly $300 billion in frozen Russian Central Bank assets and using them for Ukraine’s long-term reconstruction.
“It is necessary and urgent for our coalition to find a way to unlock the value of these immobilized assets to support Ukraine’s continued resistance and long-term reconstruction,” Yellen said in remarks in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Group of 20 finance ministers and central bank governors are meeting this week.


I promised one of our readers named Pearce that Barbara could make one more pair of the Celtic knot earrrings and she did so last night. Find them here but grab 'em fast because there's only one pair left. She'll put them up at 8:00am this morning. Good luck...


Here's the only point worth making about yesterday's
 primary in a predominately blue state. Lump all the
 Dem and Rep votes in two neat piles. 
Trump wins. In Michigan. Congratulations, Mr. President...


That's subtle. I like subtle...

In it's earnings call yesterday, Lowe's CEO Marvin Ellison reported sales were down 6.2% in the quarter that ended on February 2 as customers are holding off on spending on big-ticket items for DIY projects.
Allow me to interject if I may, Mr. Ellison. Your target of DIY homemakers is wrong-headed. 
ONE: You should have targeted us professional home-builders and contractors a long time ago. When we buy shit, it's not just a light bulb or a can of spray paint. We're buying in the tens of thousands of dollars a year.
TWO: You could actually hire people who know what the fuck they're talking about instead of paying retired bus drivers, grade school teachers and insurance salesmen to stand around with their thumbs up their asses.
THREE: Get a better, more recognizable product mix. Store brandpower tools and shit paint are not what you customers want and need.
FOUR: And most important - stop trying to be Home Depot. They suck too, just a lot less than you do. Try something different somehow. Juss' sayin'...


You really don't need a reason to buy her
 something as special as this. Just do it.
Click on the picture for more information on this unique hand-made bracelet.
It's only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!

Sweden isn't just good at helping parents care for their babies, as demonstrated by its generous parental-leave policies. A local Swedish official also wants to help people create those babies.
Per-Erik Muskos, a councilman from the small town of Övertorneå, has announced plans to give the municipality's 550 employees paid time off to have sex.
“There are studies that show sex is healthy,” Muskos explaied, adding that couples in Sweden weren't spending enough time together. “It's about having better relationships.”


Speaking of jobs, I got this job offer in an email from the Secret Service yesterday. It probably wasn't legit, but it sure as fuck looked legit. 
I did NOT apply by clicking on the enclosed link...


  1. It should be obvious to anyone that Haley's purpose is to deplete the RNC coffers and keep the party divided.
    The primaries simply provide the demoncrats with the rough numbers of how many fake ballots they need to print. Michigan will overwhelmingly vote for bitem in November by a majority of 6 to one.

  2. A. You would have to pay me a lot more than $100,000/year to compromise my principles protecting that treasonous scumbag.
    B. I quit Lowe's because there is no one working a register to take my cash.

  3. Lowe's beats out Home Depot in pricing on most items. Behr paint is crap. Lowe's has Craftsman tools. I have had Craftsman tools for over 30 years. Lowe's is 20 miles closer to where I live.

    1. Proximity is everything. Craftsman tools are owned and built by Black & Decker

  4. Would love to disappoint her.


Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...