Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday night rehab insignifica...


  1. No. No, it's not hard to stop after a good rehab. Requires the user to realize they are at rock bottom and have nowhere to go but up or to a grave. There are good rehabs out there that teach that. Very harshly. That the fault is on the user and not on the drug or the doctor or the parents or society. It's all the fault of the user.

    But why do people relapse after going to rehab? Could it be that the rehabs are in it for money and not for the cure? Hmmmm...

  2. For me, I drank fairly excessively for nearly 40 years. One day, I fell and broke my arm. I said to myself, "God is telling me to quit drinking." That was the day (February 2007) that I stopped drinking. No AA. No rehab. No problem.

  3. It depends on how bad you want to stop. I know a number of people - myself included - who started hitting meetings and haven't used since. Over 33 years now. - Kv


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