Thursday, February 29, 2024

Florida Man 'Super streaker' is on a losing streak now...

Yuri Andrade, 31, of Florida, briefly caused a stir by taking to the field with 5:03 left in the fourth quarter, with the Buccaneers leading the Chiefs 31-9. The professional extrovert dodged a couple of tackles from security before sliding at the three-yard line as guards piled on top of him.
He explained that offshore sportsbook Bovada had put a $1,000 cap on stakes for the prop bet. But he had called around inviting friends to put money on for a share of the spoils.
What did the idiot do wrong? He bragged about it after the game and they pullled the plug on his winnings. The rest of the story is here...

Five pairs of the Celtic earrings are available
and the timing is perfect, but don't wait too long 
with St. Patty's Day coming up in two weeks -
and nine people already have them in their carts...
Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. 1: the dude in that pic is not streaking, he's obviously is wearing some kinda thong bathing suit. He's not streaking
    Flag on the play...Impersonating a streaker.
    2. Dude had no commitment. Not only does he not streak, he goes down at the 3 yard line...doesn't even try to score.
    People disgust me

  2. Got it this time! Please thank your lovely wife
