Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Airplane did it first at Woodstock.

And then Tuna redid it on their first album in '71. I like the second version better with Papa John on fiddle. I probably saw Tuna in different venues at least 30 times. They woud play the Capital Theater in Passaic at least twice a year and then do all of the colleges in the area too.

For the record, went over to my regular hangout bar 
last night for a coupla pops and they had baseball - 
ONLY baseball - on all of the televisions in the bar. 
Life in Florida - especially during spring training - 
is pretty fuckin' okay if ya ask me.

This is truly spectacular.  A photo of a single trapped atom won the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council's (EPSRC) science photography contest back in 2015. The image, which is titled "Single Atom in an Ion Trap," was taken by David Nadlinger of the University of Oxford. Showcased in the image is single positively-charged strontium atom trapped by electric fields produced by metal electrodes.
According to the EPSRC, the image is a long exposure that was taken through an ultra-high vacuum chamber's window. A blue-violet laser was used to illuminate the atom, which absorbed light particles and then re-emitted them. That process produces enough light that a regular camera can photograph the atom if a long exposure is used.
Photographer and overall EPSRC contest winner David Nadlinger discussed the idea behind the image: "The idea of being able to see a single atom with the naked eye had struck me as a wonderfully direct and visceral bridge between the minuscule quantum world and our macroscopic reality. A back-of-the-envelope calculation showed the numbers to be on my side, and when I set off to the lab with camera and tripods one quiet Sunday afternoon, I was rewarded with this particular picture of a small, pale blue dot."




The residents of Charleston, West Virginia, saw their local Hooters as a landmark. It was a place where people could join together after children’s sports games and watch Ultimate Fighting Championship matches on the weekends. So when it was announced last week that the restaurant would be demolished and replaced with a Sheetz gas station, locals decided to rally together – and pay homage with a candlelit vigil.
This is a great story. Get the rest of it here.


Libs like this jerkoff think Trump is the personification of all that is bad in humanity. They don't give a fuck that their leader is brain-dead and feckless, and that his actions - and more importantly his inactions - will bring about the destruction of this country as we know it.
The only difference between you and I is I have this blog to vent on, but you can vent as well with your comments here. I invite you to contribute any time you'd like.


The Spanish Springs St. Patrick’s Day Festival is a one of a kind festival that traditionally takes place on March 17th every year . This Festival draws 6,000 – 10,000 attendees and is a staple in The Villages community.
This Year’s Event will be held on March 17, 2024 at Spanish Springs from 4pm to 9pm.
This event features Food Trucks,  Market Vendors, Stilt Walkers, Live Music featuring The Byrne Brothers, and so much more. 
Don't get me wrong - I love almost every thing about Ireland, and I'm not even Irish by blood, but I wouldn't go anywhere within ten miles of this kinda thing. Juss' sayin'...

Since when do you need a reason
to buy her something nice?
Especially with St. Patty's Day coming up...
Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!




If you care about shit like this, click here.

Need a reason to buy her something nice?
 St. Patty's Day is coming up soon...
Click on the picture for more information on this unique hand-made bracelet
It's only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. That US couple ran into real pirates in the Caribbean.

  2. Trump EVIL they say. I can buy obnoxious and pushy. But how is he evil? He's accused of being a racist - he's not. He was a womanizer - who isn't? He's generous and loves America. So libs, you can shut up about evil!

    1. I could never figure out what was evil about The Donald. My SIL says, "he grabbed a woman by the p*$$y", but I haven't seen her come forward to make a complaint, probably still purring.

  3. Sorry Joe,I never was any kind of fan of Hall & Oates

  4. I don't remember any fawning news coverage about how the lying sack of shit Joe Biden spent his summer vacation last year; do you?

  5. LGBTQ marching at St. Patrick’s Day Parade shows how twisted they are.

  6. The fact that the pedos are protecting the pedo in the White House tells you everything you need to know about where we are going to wind up as a country....if Trump wins, he will have to fight the dems for 4 years and again, his agenda will be stalled, except for what can be managed in exec orders....then the dems will guarantee a win in 2028 by whatever means necessary....I won't be here then, but I pity those of you who will be....my children and grandchildren only have my generation, and to a certain extent, my parents generation, for the downfall of America....it was a good idea, but innate human evil will overcome any good...the light of the world, and the best hope for the common man, could not be allowed to continue...it is foretold in the Bible, but I understand that is not an option for many here as a definitive answer....mores the pity. and I pray for you all...


Humans provide protein? Jeez...