Saturday, February 24, 2024

A Florida Man and Florida Woman story so f**ked up I'm almost too embarassed to share it. But I will..

 Imagine if these two sick muthafuckuz 
were you next door neighbors. 
How fast would you move away?

From - On Friday, February 15th, 2024, authorities in North Fort Myers, Florida apprehended a man and a woman for their disturbing actions involving household pets.
Samantha White, a 26-year-old, was accused of engaging in sexual intercourse with the family dog on multiple occasions. Shockingly, her husband, John White, aged 29, allegedly recorded these illicit acts.
Sheriff Carmine Marceno of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office expressed his disgust at the couple’s behavior. He emphasized that abuse would not be tolerated in Lee County and vowed to protect those who couldn’t defend themselves. The couple now faces legal consequences for their actions.
As a result of the investigation, Lee County Domestic Animal Services removed four dogs from the Whites’ home and evaluated them for any injuries. Both Samantha and John White were subsequently released on a $5,000 bond each.


  1. According to her book, when Linda Lovelace met Hugh Hefner for the first time, he said something to the effect of "Oh, I loved you with that Great Dane. I have a copy of the film." Hugh was one of the largest collectors of Super 8 pornography, and Linda had made a film years before having sex with a Great Dane.

  2. A $5,000.00 bond only takes $500.00 to get out. Judge was really sending a message there..

  3. Would have loved to see the expression on the dogs face


The loonie left is leaning lefter. And loonier...

It really is a question of 'how deep a hole do they really want to dig for themselves'? If the Demorats really thinnk that this walk...