Monday, January 8, 2024

The left-handed logic of our illustrious Looney-tune leader...

Ya know, this shit with these river-crossers has been going on forever - it's just the shear numbers of them that's changed. The questions that never seem to get answered are many, not the least of which is why this fuckin' buffoon doesn't lift a finger to stop the surge. Also - why do we not declare war on Mexico for them letting all these fuckers walk through their country to get to ours?



The climate crisis has been previously identified as a threat to coffee and beer, and there's a news report that its impact could now be stretching to another of life’s joys: dessert.
The global cost of sugar has surged to its highest level since 2011 following concerns of underproduction rates from India, which has experienced an extreme dry spell that has threatened crops, and Thailand, which is facing a severe drought. The two countries are the largest exporters of sugar, after Brazil.


This isn't the second coming of Woodstock - not even close. This is actually leftwing Indian activists attending a mass rally organised by the youth wing of the Communist Party of India ahead of the upcoming national general election.  The report said that over 1,000,000 people attended the event.




That's what the world needs nowadays - a lot more 
good ole rock 'n roll cranked to eleven. Juss' sayin'...




There's no way this will ever happen.

According to
Democratic lawmakers are leery about the prospect of President Biden debating former President Trump, fearing that putting the two on stage together would only elevate the likely GOP nominee. Trump has skipped every Republican presidential primary debate thus far but says he’s eager to debate Biden. There is no one - not one single person - in the Biden camp who thinks this is a good idea.

And then there was this one day when America's sweetheart' - Shirley Temple - hung out with the Lads from Liverpool.
She and her daughter Lori visited The Beatles backstage at The Cow Palace at the start of their 1964 North American tour.”

Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and
 showing her you love her is this easy...
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1 comment:

  1. Biden can't even debate his teleprompter or an empty stage. He's a dementia-ridden husk of a corrupt politician. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. But it seems like a pointless argument ... the Democrats aren't going to let Biden run. Even they aren't that stupid.


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