Monday, January 22, 2024

Something to look forward to this summer? I don't like the looks of this...

Thankfully for me, it appears that Florida will dodge this bug bullet, 
but depending on where you live, you may have to del with this mess. 
Click on the map to see which states are headed for getting 
bugged this summer...


  1. You know what Tinnitus is?
    I listen to Cicadas 24/7 That's what my Tinnitus sounds like. So, hey, no big deal for me.

  2. I personally love the sound of Cicadas and a lot of critters love to eat them.

  3. We lived in a Dell Web community in SC about 13 years ago when the cicadas emerged. Home owners were largely from NYC and Long Island. The HOA put out a notice asking folks to stop calling the local sheriff about the noise. lol

  4. The WEF will see this as food on the wing.

    1. Call Klaus, he'll be thrilled to his tiny goose stepping bones.

  5. Had one like this back in 68/69 near DC. I lifeguarded at a pool along the Anacostia River and the cicadas sounded like the effect for the alien spacecraft from "The Invaders". I kept expecting to see a saucer rise up from below the river bank.

  6. Send these bugs to Klaus Schwab and the rest of the WEF. Let THEM eat them.

  7. I am not so sure about the 200-year lapse since I seem to recall having masses of these critters when I was in elementary school back in Arlington, VA in the early 1950's. I now live in Colorado where the arid dryness precludes a lot of bugs. We also have 10 - 30 MPH winds that blow constantly and blow any bugs far away. YEA!!!
