Wednesday, January 10, 2024

I have a new hero - he's from Australia and he doesn't hunt crocodiles...

Fuck social media - I hope this guy has lines outside his doors that go around the block. Well played, mate. The story's here:


  1. The snowflakes of today were the toddlers that were negotiated with

  2. The owner should have intervened after 5 minutes, not 15. "Sir/Madam, either get your children under control or leave now. If your children are still disturbing other customers in 10 minutes you will be trespassed as soon as the police respond."

  3. That sounds like the beginning of a wrestling match. The people who applaud protecting his clientele from an unpleasant dining experience, which I certainly applaud, versus the What gives you the right to do anything except take the orders and provide the food crowd. The state of their society will be seen. Lines, positive reviews and happy people ,,I hope we get to know how it goes.

  4. When my kids were babies to toddlers we did not eat in restaurants. We got take-out.

  5. I had an experience like this many years back when I was courting my wife. We went out for what was supposed to be a nice quiet dinner, when between courses three kids at the booth across the aisle stared running wild; climbing over seat backs, screaming, tossing cutlery. The staff tried to control them, but the so-called parents did nothing. Eventually the manager/owner came out of the kitchen and ordered them out, with a great display of Italian Invective. After calm was restored. I remarked to my fiancé that we had just witnessed a very persuasive argument in favor of Retroactive Abortion.

  6. Was on a plane and a family with 6 children various ages & stuck on tarmac for hours and not one of those children had a hissy fit, that is excellent parenting whereas parents who allow their children to run amuck and have loud bad manners should not take the children out in public. Here's a lesson to future parents, no matter your family history having your own children gives you the chance to change family history for the better & leave all the bad stuff you hated behind but keep the good virtues going.

  7. It amazes me how clueless some parents are with their toadlers, screaming like air raid sirens. "But Bratley is just 'quietly fussing'". Well take your 'quietly fussing' toadler out to out of the restaurant, so the rest of us can enjoy our dinner.
