Friday, January 26, 2024

I can't imagine what they did to put themselves out of business, can you?

If there was ever a better example of 'shooting themselves in the foot' I've never seen it...  

There was a time when this was actually a 'manly man's manly kinda magazine, with sexy chicks in sexy, skimpy bikinis and good, well told tales of successes and failures in the world of sport and competition. Somewhere along the way the DEI jerkoffs got their foot in the door, and poof - there's a fuckin' tranny on the cover...

Now I don't wanna sound like some kinda sicko or so some shit, but I gotta admit this Leyna person is kinda hot looking and he/she/whatever ain't packing a bulge in the crotch that's noticeable, so if they didn't tell me she usta be a he, I might notta noticed. But they did havta tell us, didn't they?

This is where I think they jumped the shark. When they got into this shit, it's when they really lost me. Hey - if a babe's overweight, so what, right? Just don't try to convince me that if I saw her and Kate Upton on the beach together that I'd somehow be smitten by the larger of the two. 
Here's where ya gotta draw the line. They veered so far off course that actually started trying to push this inclusion shit on their readers that didn't wanna hear it - let alone pay for it - being jammed down their throats, and now they're going bust for having done it. Good. Fuck 'em. This virtue-signalling bullshit hasta stop sooner or later. Juss' sayin'...

Yeah - restored and rechromed, but it doesn't play 
music and they want two G's for it. For what - to 
decorate some rich guys den? Good luck with that.



It's a 'socio library study' whatever the fuck that is.
Am I the only one who thinks this is both ironic and kinda funny? The guy's a convicted killer and he has the balls to say (with his last words mind you) that the state of Alabama is "causing humanity to take a step backward” in his final moments before being put to death in the first-ever execution by nitrogen gas. Kenneth Eugene Smith, 58, was pronounced dead at 8:25 pm on Thursday after being administered pure nitrogen gas through a face mask. Is there a good reason why these judicial systems think that convicted murderers some how deserve 'humane' ways of being toasted? What ever happened to firing squads and shit like that? I always thought taking them up in a plane and throwing them out a cargo door would work best, but hey - WTF do I know, right?



Can somebody explain this one to me? 
It's a little too hipsterishly fuckin' stupid for me 
to grasp, but the drawing is kinda good - I just don't get it.

Debbie must be a popular babe...



Valentine's Day is less than  three weeks away, 
but you still have time to get her this...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.

That's enough for now...


  1. What happened to SI is indeed a shame, but they're solely responsible for this fiasco. Jamming fatties and trannies down our psyches was a recipe for disaster. Since when did it become morally wrong for a man to enjoy a fine looking woman anyway? I sure hope Tom Verducci was able to bail before the crap hit the fan over there

  2. Whatever happened to hangings?.....I would think that the victim's next of kin would feel a certain gratification upon seeing the perp swinging.....

    1. Agreed but a 115 grain injection at 1100 fps in the right place gets the job done and for less cost.


Betty's showing off for the camera...