Wednesday, January 24, 2024

How's that whole 'Sanctuary' whatever doin' for you? I think it's biting you in the ass, you bleeding heart jackasses...

Put a shovel and a broom in their hands and make 'em work for their 'American dream' - fuck 'em, there ain't no free rides here, Pancho. 
Read this article - it cracks me the fuck up that these goody-two-shoes jerkoffs can't handle what they wanted so bad. Kinda like what my Dad usta say - No good deed goes unpunished...'
Click on the sleeping beauties for the story.


  1. They are acting; thumping TX Gov. Abbott for trying to stem the flow.
    What are the Repubes in DC doing besides collecting graft & paychecks?
    A pox on the whole lot of them.

  2. We told 'em that this wasn't a "good deed." Did they listen? Nope. They can swim in their own sewage now.


Take a shot this one, Auntie...