Thursday, January 11, 2024

Hertz to Biden: 'Fuck you and your electric car bullshit...'

 Wanna by a used Tesla cheap? Let Hertz 
put you in the driver's seat...
Hertz, which has made a big push into electric vehicles in recent years, has decided it’s time to cut back. The company will sell off a third of its electric fleet, totaling roughly 20,000 vehicles, and use the money they bring to purchase more gasoline powered vehicles.
There's a VERY good reason they're getting rid of them. Outside of a few leftie-louie big cities and a couple tree-hugger campsites, nobody wants to rent them! 
CNN is reporting this story here. What a HUGE slap in the face this is to every battery-powered car advocate out there...


  1. Wow- if they are 5 years old the battery is already down 50% - and will be completely dead in short order. What is the replacement co$t again guys .... I forgot ?

  2. Around 25 to 35 thousand and what do you do with the dead non recyclable battery

  3. 2 more city buses spontaneously combust - can we post links ?


Good Morning...