Thursday, December 14, 2023

Would your brain explode if this shit happened in front of you? Mine certainly would...

I know I'd be one of the guys out of my car trying to beat the living fuck 
out of any of them. Sorry about the ad in front of the video, but it's pretty fuckin' awesome, even without sound up. Every one of those t-shirt wearing jerkoffs need to get their asses kicked...

Let's get serious again for just a moment.

You have to order something - anything - 
by tomorrow to get it for her for Christmas...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
Click on  any of these pictures below for more information 
on that specific item - the page will open in a new tab.


Remember - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but 
didn't purchase it, you need to pull that trigger today or tomorrow. 
We're leaving town on Saturday and won't be back for a week.


  1. Being detained is not the same as being arrested. The cops probably took them out of sight of msm and released them with NO charges.

  2. spray paint or spray foam to give them a gift

  3. Wow!
    They want Hamas to stop killing civilians?

  4. You think they're pitching a fit now, just wait until they visit Kenny's website today:

  5. i would be right in there with you bro. nothing better than releasing pent up frustrations on leftist morons. i always sleep better at night when it happens but wake up sore in the morning. i'm getting to old and have to much bail and epsom salt money put back to stop now. a man has to have a hobby and a conviction in life..
    really, that shit never happens here in the deep south outside of Austin or maybe Atlanta.

  6. does the LA area not have any bulldozers? that would solve that problem. i believe in the first amendment but not when it harms others. what about emergency vehicles.

    1. I think bulldozers may soon be the remedy of the day very shortly.
      I'm betting merchants may soon start hiring "People of their own kind:" to put a stop to this bullshit pretty soon.

  7. Take the Bear spray and walk right down the line with it hitting them squarely in the face....I guarantee enough will move to let traffic through, or at least they'll be easy to drag off....if that doesn't work, a good swift baton to the left ear works wonders.....


I'm not here, but Calvin is...