Saturday, December 23, 2023

This fits me like O.J.'s glove...


Who gives a shit - it's Taylor 'just go the fuck away already' Swift...

... is reporting that the southern California city of Huntington Beach, a bastion of conservative voters, has made the move to block diverse monthlong celebrations of Black history, women’s history and Pride, in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars, California’s history and America’s independence.
An agenda item introduced on 19 December forbids any programming that pertains to previously established honorary celebrations for women, people of color and LGBTQ+ groups from taking place on city-owned property, including libraries, or of being featured in city communications such as social media posts.
It's hard to believe that a backlash against all of this 'incusiveness' bullshit is finally starting to happen - and in southern Califuckin'fornia no less. Good for them. Juss' sayin'...



Yah - go ahead. Tell me you don't think this is as fuckin' funny as I do. I'll wait here. Here's another perfect example of the unforeseen consequences of overly-zealous jerkoffs pushing that green-agenda bullshit at us when we don't wanna hear it.
The shift away from cars with dirty combustion engines is running into a new hurdle: Drivers don’t want to buy used electric vehicles, and that’s undermining the market for new ones, too.
In the $1.2 trillion secondhand market, prices for battery-powered cars are falling faster than for their combustion-engine cousins. Buyers are shunning them due to a lack of subsidies, a desire to wait for better technology and continued shortfalls in charging infrastructures. A fierce price war sparked by Tesla Inc. and competitive Chinese models are further depressing values of new and used cars alike. Tuff shit, Skippy. You asked for it, you got it...


This can't really be real, can it?

You think I'm kidding? These yoyo's are at the pool when it's 62 friggin' degrees out.

If you know what these are...

FedEx me a dozen for Christmas, will ya?




  1. It got down to 40 degrees in Key West once back in '66. A buddy and I were hitchhiking to Ft. Lauderdale for a 72 hour leave. I had to go back to the barracks to get my peacoat. I thought I was going to die.

  2. Mebbe it's just me, but Ms. Swift looks a little broad across the beam.
    And I don't see much of a market for those dick-killer pills; youngsters don't want 'em and people our age don't need 'em.

  3. Of course we’re in the pool at 62…it’s 90 degrees warmer than at home.🤣🤣🤣

    1. When I was working for a defense contractor in northern Virginia, I frequently had to fly to Fort Huachuca in SE Arizona. In February there, it's frequently cold enough to have frost on the car windshields early in the morning, but it gets up into the 80's in the afternoon, the sun heated the hotel pool past bath-warm, and it did not cool down much overnight. I'm from northern Michigan, where the Finns traditionally finish a sauna by running out and jumping into a snowbank. So I'd take some laps in the pool before breakfast, while _no one_ else was there. Getting out of the pool into 30 degree air and back to my room required fast motion and lots of towels, but I was warm in the pool and moved too fast to chill otherwise. But I did get funny looks from the hotel staff!

      At 62 degrees, I'm fine in short sleeves and long pants unless the wind is high or I have to sit still for some reason. Only swimming trunks would be exposing too much if I was staying out, but it's OK for a few minutes.
