Wednesday, December 6, 2023

This Dame's Name should be easy tonight. Or maybe not so easy...


Christmas will be here in less than three weeks 
and there's only one of these available.
Order it by December 14th...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $48.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


  1. The sparkling Vera Ellen

  2. When I was a kid maybe I enjoyed watching too many of Abbott & Costello's postwar B-flicks, but if that's not Mari Blanchard from the comic pair's Mars space comedy, I'll eat my Tribble fur.

  3. Just another swank with 20lbs of make-up on

  4. I would also have to say Vera Ellen ... tiny waist.

    - Chi

  5. A very young Agnes Moorhead?

  6. I tell ya, that's Mari Blanchard.........


Your Saturday night HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly is here...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...   Click on the picture for more information...