Friday, December 15, 2023

The 'Usual Suspects' doing crazy shit and it's not in LA? Damn...

Sprawling street takeovers which drew up to 1,500 cars each rocked at least four Connecticut cities over the weekend. An officer was hospitalized after being assaulted while trying to shut down a takeover in a Milton parking lot which saw police pelted with firework. The takeover left holiday shoppers stranded in a parking lot and caused chaos by clogging I-91. 'It's scary. Very scary,' local Sandy Longobardi, of North Haven, said.


Okay now - one more reminder (maybe two)...
You have to order something today to
get it  in time for her for Christmas...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $28.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
Click on  any of these pictures below for more information 
on that specific item - the page will open in a new tab.


Remember - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but didn't purchase it, 
you need to pull that trigger today. 
We're leaving town tomorrow and won't be back for a week and the guy
who's staying here won't be able to ship anything...

1 comment:

On the beach in Port Noo