Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The problem with polls...

 If you ever meet someone who tells you they decided who to vote for based on reading or even hearing poll numbers, you know what to do...  


California stores will soon be fined for not having a "gender-neutral" toy section once a new state law kicks in Jan. 1.

The bill, signed in 2021 by Democrat wannabee Prez. Gavin Newsom, will force stores that sell childcare items or toys to pay a $500 fine should the store fail to create a gender-neutral toy section for kids 12 years old and under. Oh, it also includes toothbrushes. Go figure...
(Postscript - I had to throw this in because of how incredibly fuckin stupid it is...)


Trump posted a poll on Truth Social on Tuesday, highlighting that the word voters most associate with a potential second term under his command is "revenge."
With campaigning ramping up ahead of the first Republican nomination contest, the post followed a separate Truth Social message on Christmas Day, in which the former president called on his political opponents to "rot in hell."


Frustration that President Biden is trailing former President Trump in polls despite a growing economy is building at the White House. Biden’s approval ratings have been low for more than a year, but recent polls have found him trailing Trump, the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, in a head-to-head match-up and in key swing states.  


Okay - I'll bite. Who's the Stein broad?


The number's probably higher than that, but check out who did that 
poll. Yikes - Joe's in serious trouble if even PBS says he sucks...




Did you drop the ball a little bit buying Christmas presents 
for her? You can make it up to her...
Click on  either of these pictures below for more information 
on that specific item - the page will open in a new tab.

There are a number of items still available in her shop. Click here to see them all:




  1. California is Soooo Effed Up! Gender stereotype? Do they mean normal?

  2. That’s you answering the door in the Matson cartoon, innit.

    Jill Stein is a communist who has represented the Green Party the last few elections.

    1. I'd forgotten. She was the fool that sued for a recount in Michigan in 2016. Her "Green" (like a watermelon) Party was 4th in the Presidential election, with less than half the votes for the Libertarian party. There wasn't a chance of even moving up to #3, so I don't see how Stein had standing. So she must have actually been doing this on behalf of Hillary, who only needed to steal 10 or 20 thousand more votes to win in Michigan.

      The first step in the recount process is to find and validate all the ballot boxes, and here is where it fell down. 26% of Detroit's ballot boxes were invalid - no seals, broken seals, seals not signed properly, or the ballot count written on the box did not match the count inside. Suddenly they canceled the recount...

      And so nothing whatsoever was done about all those questionable ballots. They weren't thrown out (which would have required recounting the valid ballot boxes in each precinct with a problem, and given Trump a larger lead.) The election officials were neither arrested nor fired. The same officials counted the votes for what is probably still Michigan's most populous city in 2018 (Democrats swept the state offices, but did poorly in the less urban state legislature and Congressional districts), 2020 (Trump won on election night, then over several days tens of thousands more Democrat ballots were "discovered"), and 2022.
