Sunday, December 10, 2023

That loud thud you heard yesterday was the first shoe dropping at a big college...

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill – under increasing pressure from both donors and the White House after her disastrous testimony before Congress this week on the school’s failure to protect Jewish students, resigned yesterday.


Joe Biden has issued more 'Executive Orders' - therefore bypassing Congress completely - than any President in our County's history. He honestly doesn't give a fuck about the Representative branch of Government or the will of the people, and yet somehow, the media keeps harping about about how Trump will act like a dictator if he's re-elected. We really are a nation of idiots at times for allowing all of them to lie to us as much as they do. Juss' sayin'...


I hope you guys understand by now that I am a rock-solid baseball fan to the point where I really don't give a fuck about any of the other shit. I can't say that there's anything good about what the Dodgers did yesterday. Those are just crazy fuckin' numbers. What if he can't pitch anymore?


Donald Trump told partygoers at a New York Young Republican Club event that the indictments against him have 'opened Pandora's box' and that Joe Biden should 'be very careful what you wish for'. 



Christmas will be here in 15 days
and a lot of people have items in their 'carts'.
There's only one of these available, so 
Order yours by December 14th...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

One more reminder - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but didn't purchase it, you need to pull that 
trigger very soon. There are single items that appear in three or 
four people's 'carts', so if ya snooze ya lose. Juss' sayin'...


How do you look at a solid block of stone and see this inside it? 
It amazes me how that kind of mind works. Would that I could...

If I remember correctly the candy kinda sucked in these things, but we still thought we looked cool imitating our parents. Ya think they'd ever come back in fashion? Ha - yeah - right after monkees fly outta my ass and join the circus...

They call it 'Fat Shaming'. I don't know what the fuck 
to call it, but it is genuinely repulsive...

On what planet in what universe is this woman in any way attractive? That's not 'fat-shaming', it's justy a friggin' question. And the tattoos amplify the garish appearance if ya ask me. And this question is being asked by me, and not 'for a friend'...




  1. I recall not caring that much for the candy cigarettes. But the bubblegum cigars were pretty good!

    1. either one was wrapped in paper with powdered sugar in them. you could blow on them and it would look like smoke coming out.

  2. That sculpture looks just as good from the back side:

  3. Whenever you're guilty of something, scream that the other guy is guilty. The democrats are screaming that Trump will lead to a dictatorship, ignoring the executive orders of Biden are a dictatorship, the end run around congress for selling weapons to foreign governments is a sign of dictatorship, imprisoning your political opponents is a sign of dictatorship.


A little tidbit from Playboy's past...