Friday, December 8, 2023

Let the big man sing...


Today would have been a perfect day to take the train into the City to see the Christmas Tree at The Arch in Washington Square Park.

It is kinda fascinating/confusing that we (the editorial 'we' meaning this blog) have reached a sort of plateau with readership. I'd have thought that as we progressed, we grow the audience, but that hasn't been the case. Don't get me wrong - this averages somewhere in the area of nearly 3,000,000 page views a year...



I found this at the Aldi store just up the road from my house. It's funny how time and perspective'll fuck with yer head. 
I saw this and thought 'Thats an okay price for what it is' and then I realized that this is the exact album that was my very first album purchase back in '67. I bought this and Disraeli Gears at Klein's Department Store in downtown Newark and I think I paid like three bucks each for the albums. That was my summer between grade school and high school. It was a year of awakening, no doubt about it...

Speaking of records, remember these cardboard records they usta put on cereal boxes? 
I mean - who doesn't wanna hear the Archies?


Classic redneck engineering...

Christmas will be here in less than three weeks 
and there's only one of these available.
Order it by December 14th...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $38.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


Didja ever wonder how big The Villages (The world's largest privately operated housing development) really is? 

The entire complex is now around fourty square miles - that's half the size of Manhattan Island. As of 2023, over 145,000 residents (like me) call The Villages home, with an additional 45,000 seasonal 'snowbird' residents. There are a coupla days here and there when the traffic is a bit much to bear, but otherwise, it doesn't feel crowded at all...
It's also estimated that there are as many as 70,000 golf carts here in The Villages. Juss' sayin'...


I hope each and every one of these elitist, uber-left dooshbags get it up the ass for the bullshit waffling and disfunction they project. Obfuscation is their hallmark. Answer a fuckin' question, bitch...



  1. My father in law told about their small town telephone operator having her switchboard in an upstairs room in a downtown building, had a cot she slept on, everyone knew no phone calls after 9:00 in the evening unless an emergency.

  2. The first record I bought was the 45 of "Classical Gas" by Mason Williams. I bought it at a Woolworth's, and it was back in the days when they'd bag it up for you, fold over the top of the bag, and staple the receipt to it. Unfortunately, the sales clerk stapled *through* the record, and I had to convince her that I needed a replacement.

    My first LP was something by the Moody Blues. Probably "In Search of the Lost Chord."


A little tidbit from Playboy's past...