Sunday, December 10, 2023

It's about time us 'Villagers' start fighting back against the bullshit...

Popular YouTube creator Peter Santanello recently visited The Villages in Florida which is considered to be the largest 55+ community (which it actually isn't - it's not deed-restricted) in the world. There are more than 145,000 residents 'from all different backgrounds' housed across sprawling site which was previously embroiled in allegations of drunken debauchery that include a thriving swingers' scene and black market for Viagra. But many have now defended the community with 'frustrated' homeowners attempting to dispel the 'preconceived ideas.' 

Christmas will be here in 15 days
but you have to act fast.
There's only one of these available, 
so order yours by December 14th...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

One more reminder - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but didn't purchase it, you need to pull that 
trigger very soon. There are single items that appear in three or 
four people's 'carts', so if ya snooze ya lose. Juss' sayin'...

It's about fuckin' time. I've been here eight years and I haven't even gotten a whiff of any of the bullshit they throw out about here. And trust me, my sense of smell is pretty fuckin' good. 
It's fascinating that the Daily Mail - a British tabloid - is the only media outlet that would even consider debunking the bullshit about this place. 
And for the record - it's the nicest, prettiest, cleanest, friendliest place I've ever lived. 
Read their take on this here:


  1. Also been in TV 8 years and if any of that bs is going on, I sureasell dont know about it, not that I'd be looking for it.

  2. Daily Mail exists only to demonize this country , nothing good will ever come from them. nice blog you got here Joe , keep up the good work .


Yeah - it's HillBetty time again, thanks to Twisted Hillbilly on Facebook...

Click on her to visit the Hillbilly gang... ...    When you buy some special someone gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things...