Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Here's a question for you - what kinda moron puts a little kid on a plane by themself?

Honest to god - what the fuck is wrong with people? This little six-year-old kid got put on a plane by his grandmother - by himself. 
I swear to god they gotta get their heads out of their asses and their faces out of the cell phones and starty thinking like normal human beings - for once in their lives. 
And now they have the balls to say that they might sue the airline for a fuckup? The fuck up was thinking it's okay for a six year old to tavel alone. Jeez friggin' Louise.

The story is here:


  1. My youngest son is an FA for American and I sent him this and told him my opinion is this is easily a crime of parental abandonment and neglect on the guardians of this kid. 6 years old really? FA's are not babysitters and my son agreed with that. And then the parents want to sue and get some easy cash? Just wow when they really need to be in handcuffs and that kid taken away from them.


    American Airlines and Spirit Airlines policy allows unaccompanied minors as young as 5. They charge a fee for the service - $150 for American, and an adult has to take the kid to the gate and meet him at the gate at the destination. (The fee and other conditions for Spirit are hidden behind a login, and probably a flight selection.) So Flight Attendants _are_ (well-paid) babysitters sometimes.

    So does Spirit have different policies, or did the mother take him to a gate with two or more departing airlines and leave him there without seeing him getting on the right one? I can see reasons it might be necessary to send a 6 year old on a flight alone, but I'd stay there until he was on the airplane. 65 years ago I walked to kindergarten and back alone (about a block, in sight of Mom's kitchen window until I was with the crossing guard in front of the school), but boarding a commercial flight is rather more complicated.


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