Friday, December 1, 2023

Florida Woman juss' wanted her botle of wine...

SANFORD, Fla. - A woman was arrested after she assaulted a couple at a Sanford Wawa after they refused to pay for her wine. Angelique Dion Glenn, 31, was arrested on two counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon following the early Thursday incident. 
A woman who was with her boyfriend told police that Glenn had accidentally placed her wine bottle with their order. Once the couple realized they paid for Glenn's wine, they got their money refunded.
Glenn reportedly got upset and made a statement saying, "why can't you just pay for my bottle of wine," police said. She began to threaten the woman and her boyfriend before taking a wine bottle and striking the woman in the head with it.
The woman told police after she was hit with the bottle, Glenn hit the woman's boyfriend in the face with the wine bottle, knocking him unconscious. Glenn allegedly continued to make threats toward the woman's boyfriend threatening to kill them as she was walking out to the parking lot. 
The cashier also told police she witnessed Glenn hit the couple with the wine bottle, attempt to leave the store, and return to strike the man with the wine bottle again. According to police, Glenn called an Uber who refused to drive her so she left the Wawa by foot. Glenn was arrested and taken to the Seminole County Jail. 
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  1. She just does not get the concept: she needs to vote for the democrats and then apply for welfare.
    It is THEN that other people pay for her wine.
    Joe, Joe, Joe, educate your voters please.
    Of course, once they're educated they'll never vote for him.

  2. Primitive savages. They put the wrong people on reservations.

  3. The protected parasite class low I.Q. , and little to no impulse control . She ought to be locked up . If the low lives have no fear of any consequences the bad behavior will continue. They need retribution so harsh it is 0nly spoken of in hushed tones at the dead of night around their campfire .

  4. Cheap cotton wasn't worth the long term cost.


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