Friday, December 22, 2023

A new twist on an old lie? Or maybe just the reality that it's all made up...


The reality is, there's 'news' all over the place, so if ya need a fix of how fucked-up the world is, I'm sure all ya gotta do is turn around and there'll be 50 people and websites and news channels that'll more than satisfy your Jones. Just not me - not today. There's other shit we can delve in to and I'm in a delving/catching up kinda mood, okay?

The following is a list of words I did NOT hear at all - at any time - 
during my oh-too-brief sojourn on St. John:
and somehow my brain is still functioning (somewhat) and my shoulders don't ache as much from not having to carry the weight of the world's problems on my back. Savvy?


If some jerkoff in Prague kills a buncha people, 
why do I need to know about it? Do I really need 
to be reminded how fucked up some people are? 


If I didn't explain it before this, the reason I went down to the little rock was to celebrate - no, actually to honor - the closing of a bar I had something to do with opening 26 years ago while I was still living on St. John.
This is -or was - The Quiet Mon Pub in Cruz Bay, the main and actually only town on the island. Not only was it a cool little place, it had 'cache' (whatever the fuck that is) and it had thousands and thousands of friends and locals, not the least of which , of course, was our good friend Kenny Chesney. Kenny has a house on island, and I've known him for years, having built a few things like guest houses and tiki bars for him, but that's a story for another day. 
Whenever KC was on island, he'd always bop in a coupla time at least just to hang out and have a few pops. Nobody ever busted his balls or made a big deal over him when he was there 'cause that's really how cool the bar was. (Okay, every once in a rare while some jerkoff tourist would say or do something stupid when he was there, but they got shooed away pretty quickly).
Anyway, just to show what a genuinely down-to-earth dude the guy is, he actually flew down last week to see Kelly (the owner - my friend Steve's widow) and recorded this for her. 
Click on the screen cap below to visit his instagram and watch the really nice little video he did for her there:


 Click on this picture to watch this short video on YouTube.





  1. Prague killings: Yes, why are we being told about that tragedy? Gun control, that's why. FOX radio in our area has gun death stories 24 hours a day. Kinda like they have an agenda. Too bad they don't have time to tell us about all the Biden Crime Family and all their felonies. Kudos to the clever person who told of a sheep watching a wolf kill a sheep. Sheep observes that wolf killed with his teeth. The government's response? Have sheep give up their teeth.

    1. Also note that both the Progue shooter and the Lewiston, Maine shooter complained about noises in their heads just before going on their rampages. I'll bet they weren't the only ones who experienced the strange noises.

  2. The word you are looking for is "cachet". Cache is for storing things or for computer memory.

  3. Looks like a good time Joe. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Jackson from Spanky Spankitos & The Spankaroos.
