Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What good is censure when you know the broad isn't gonna shut up? (and other esoteric questions)

 There have been a good number of people elected that could easily be called a piece of shit. 
This jackwagon'd be at the top of the list... 

House Democrats led by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) denounced the censure resolution as an attempt to silence the voice of the only 'Palestinian-American' elected to Congress.





John Fetterman has accused Gavin Newsom of running a rival presidential campaign to Joe Biden - but not having 'the guts to announce it'. Fetterman, the outspoken senator for Pennsylvania, said the Californian governor was trying sneakily to oust Biden in the Democratic primary. Fetterman told a gathering of Iowa Democrats in Altoona on Saturday night that they needed to rally round Biden for 2024. I wonder if the people in Pennsyltucky feel proud of themselves yet...


The next time you hear someone bitching about the sky-high tuitions at colleges these days, you might wanna mention this guy and this PUBLIC college. They should be ashamed of themselves, and don't you dare say one word about the basketball program generating it's own funding and/or revenue stream. Just don't.


Yeah - tell me your mother or grandmother - or somebody in your family - didn't have one of these back in the day. My grandmother had one and would lend it out to her girlfriends over the holidays after she was finished baking.



Sometimes, an unexpected gift
is the best gift of all...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

This is what we're capable of when pleasing the eye is 
as important as function. It also helps to have unlimited 
resources also. Juss' sayin'...


The baristas at an Upper East Side café all quit over the Jewish owner's support of Israel. Instead of closing for the day, the Café is now busier than ever - with customers lined up around the block to show their support.  The owner of Caffe Aronne, Aaron Dahan, was left short-staffed Tuesday morning after his baristas quit because he had displayed an Israeli flag and started a fundraiser for Magen David Adom, the Israeli Red Cross, since the Oct. 7 attacks.  Dahan, 25, said a total of five baristas walked out since the day Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israelis.


  1. Search for "highest paid public official" show coaches of basketball and football take the top honors in every state.

    1. But it's the Congressmen who become millions richer every year.

  2. If KU cared about overhead, Bill Self's salary looks like a deal next to all the DEI administrative staff salaries. Colleges don't care, but the clients are catching on. When I graduated, twenty percent of the adult population had a four year degree, and most of us got good paying jobs. Now that number is approaching forty percent. Forty percent of all jobs do not pay well. Certainly not well enough for the current cost of that degree.

    1. Yeah, it's those non-revenue-producing track and cross-country programs that eat up the athletic budget...

  3. Nice to see NYers rally to support the cafe that is Jewish owned. I have a question, when did this all become Israel’s fault?? But in the mean time like I’ve said several times already, I hope the Israeli forces continue to annihilate those lousy Em Effers the carnage they heaped on Israeli innocents was beyond reprehensible and no type of apology should be even considered. …. SST

  4. Hamas was taking slaves too...

  5. Now publish the names and addresses of those baristas. Let's see how they like being the targets.

  6. Hey, y'all remember then the House cited the Attorney General for "Contempt of Congress"? Just pretty much ruined his career in politics.
    Good times...


Got an extra 100 G's laying around? How about a nice DJT watch? Good gottamgololy...

The Donald has figured out a way to circumvent  campaign finance rules. Good for him...    Trump's latest 'retail venture' is a ...