Thursday, November 9, 2023

Things sure were different then, weren't they?

I don't wanna come off as one of those crodgety old fucks that thinks everything and everyone nowadays suck, but I'm not too far away from that sentiment.
This idea comes from something I saw at the Winn-Dixie yesterday. I wish I'da thought to snap a pic of them. Woman has shopping cart with three kids in it - the youngest in the kid's seat facing her and two in the cart part where the shit should go. All three kids had cellphones out and heads down - including the mighta-been two year old in the seat. The concept of creating their own fun, outdoors with friends, must be completely foreign to them. I think these kids have zero chance of developing social skills or even imaginations. I'm glad I'll be dead when they finally grow up. Juss' sayin'...


'Leave my daughter out of your voice'. WTF does that even mean? THAT is how she cusses at somebody? OMG LOL GTFOH ETC.



This is the street that I grew up on back in Newark, NJ. 
It's an older pic but still reminds me of when I was a kid and you'd wake up and see this much snow on the ground and you'd be bummin' because it's not enough for them to close the schools and bearly enough to sleigh-ride on if they did. The struggle was real, my friends...


The guy who draws this cartoon must be a distant relative of mine.

Didn't effect me one way or the other. I don't watch TV (okay - that's not 
100% true. I watch it to fall asleep to) and I haven't been to the movies since I went to see 'Analyse this' in a theater in Ft. Lauderdale on a rainy shitty day when we couldn't play golf and it was to early to go to a bar. That was 24 years ago...


Sometimes, an unexpected gift
is the best gift of all...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

It fascinates me how people play games with words. Take 'reproductive rights' as a perfect example. When they say that, it's actually code for abortions - you and I both know that. Having an abortion is the exact opposite of reproducing. I don't stand on either side of the fence on this issue and wouldn't take a side publicly if you asked me. It's just how they fuck with words that fascinates me. Is killing a viable baby considered a 'reproductive right' or am I the one who's confused?

Anybody have any idea who she is?


It appears younger folk these days don't believe in wrapping the monkey nearly as much as the should. 
Congenital syphilis, which was nearly eliminated at the turn of this century, jumped 755 percent over the last decade, according to CDC data released Tuesday, reaching 3,761 cases in 2022. The rise occurred across all geographic regions as well as racial and ethnic groups, but the worst rates were among American Indian and Alaska natives and Black and Hispanic parents.
Agency researchers also found that in the vast majority of those cases, patients were not tested during pregnancy, and many who were tested did not receive treatment. About 37 percent of the infected pregnant people did not receive any prenatal care. I guess they don't like doctors that much, either...





    Vivek took a wrecking ball to these clowns!

  2. It's really "your non-reproductive rights."

    Fine, kill off your descendants before they are born. Saw off that limb of your family tree. Damage your internal organs so that your likelihood of ever being able to conceive again is reduced. End your bloodline, Make it so you have no children to raise. Become an evolutionary dead end.

    Leave the world to those who feel differently and know the value of family.

  3. Over turning Roe v. Wade was not a pro-life win, it was a states rights win. Before, there was a time limit as to when an abortion could be performed, now it's up to the states. If Virginia wants to allow 4th trimester abortions, it is allowed to do so.

  4. The girl looks like Megan Fox....

  5. Change the debate. stop talking about a woman's right to an abortion, address a doctors obligation to prevent infanticide for late term abortions where viability is probable.


Debate? Yeah - that's the stuff ya puts on Dehook...

   Walz was answering a question from the 'moderators' about gun violence in schools when he seemed to stumble over his words. "...