Monday, November 6, 2023

Start out having to hear my opinion on something and your day can only improve from there...

 I said this seven years ago on Fakebook and it's just as valid today. Maybe more so...  
I've said it countless times here and I'll continue to say it - I fuckin' hate politics, and I hate politicians even more - if you can seperate the two, that is. 
I don't care who you are going to vote for. I don't care why you're voting for one versus the other. I don't care about your opinion of one candidate over another. I will not waste time debating policy with you on any subject. My reasoning behind any one issue may be faulty, as may yours be. 
Neither of us is privy to enough facts to make reasonable, considered decisions, so that's the crux of my statement. I don't care. Put a bumper sticker on your car. Fly a flag on your flagpole. Good for you. Just shut the fuck up - I'm just trying to make up my own mind on my own if that's okay with you...




This friggin' planet's gonna be here long after the last human leaves. It really is kinda stupid to think WE own the planet when it's actually the exact opposite way around. The planet allows us to exist here, nothing more, nothing less. Does believing that make me a 'Planetarian'?

A B-17 heavy bomber in production back in August, 1942 at the Willow Run manufacturing complex, located between Ypsilanti and Belleville, Michigan. 
At the time it was the largest single covered structure ever built, and it was built to house a factory to build machines who's sole purpose was to destroy other buildings. Amazing how that worked out, huh?


If you are on Fakebook and you wanna hook up there, this is me:


Sometimes, an unexpected gift
is the best gift of all...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
The planet does exactly whatever the fuck it wants to do. It gives you a beach 
and a shoreline, then it takes it away. Trying to reconcile what it throws at us is a waste of time, money and effort. My wife has a saying about this kinda stupidity. 
She says trying to continuously do shit like this is like pissing in the ocean and hoping the fish will feel it.


What a different generation they were - This is a great story. Ruth Hensinger was married on July 12, 1947, wearing a dress made from the nylon parachute that saved her husband's life. Maj. Claude Hensinger, a B-29 pilot, was returning from a raid over Japan in August 1944 when his engine caught fire. When he proposed to Ruth after the war, he offered her the material from the parachute that saved him.
She worked with a seamstress to create the bodice, and used the strings on the parachute to shorten the front of the dress and create a train in the back. The dress was also worn by their daughter and by their son’s bride before being donated to the Smithsonian.

That's subtle. I like subtle...





  1. It is my understanding the Willow Run plant only built B-24's. B-17's were built in Seattle, Long Beach and Burbank. I'm guessing the photo above is the Long Beach facility.

  2. And we could name the 13th month "Obama".
    (You know someone would demand it.)

  3. Has China laid claim to the new island yet?


The pot called the kettle what, Mr. President?

According to this report , President Joe Biden berated climate change science skeptics on Wednesday, during a visit to survey the storm dama...