Thursday, November 9, 2023

Some people do crazy shit on their vacations. WTF is a 'geothermal spa'?

One of Iceland’s most popular tourist attractions has closed after the Reykjanes peninsula was hit by about 1,400 earthquakes in 24 hours, a “seismic swarm” that has prompted fears of an imminent volcanic eruption.
The Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa south-west of Reykjavík, announced it would close its doors on Thursday for a week after a particularly powerful earthquake hit just after midnight followed by about 800 smaller quakes.
Dozens of terrified guests reportedly fled the resort, which has two hotels, in taxis overnight after the earthquakes began. The Icelandic news website Víkurfréttir reported that about 40 guests had left overnight, adding that rocks had fallen on the road up to the hotel lobby.


  1. fancy name for a big hot spring...

  2. Stuck my head around the corner to see the lagoon. A furious local started screaming NO CLOWING. No clothing, really? Everyone in the shower is wearing swimming trunks. So I stepped back into the shower and lathered up like everyone else. Every guy who went to the lagoon was wearing trunks so I just ignored the local and walked out there in my swimming trunks. Turned out that he saw me walk past the showers, assumed I was heading to the lagoon without taking a shower. I later realized he was screaming "no chlorine'' not "no clothing."

  3. Basically, it's a hot spring. Quite nice, actually !


  4. blue Lagoon. Been there. Great. Iceland is a great country. Food and beer cost are astronomical however.


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