Thursday, November 30, 2023

It may 'never rain in California', but it gets cold as shit here in Florida...

After ten years of living in the Caribbean and now eight+ years of living here in North/Central Florida, I have to admit it - I'm a complete , total faggot (not an insult so shut up) when it comes to cold weather. It's dropping down in to the 30's at night here the last coupla days, and I gotta tell ya - I'm freezin' my fuckin' nuts off. Juss' sayin'...


They were next door neighbors and they were great friends. Interesting combo. Groucho called him ‘Coop,’ the way Groucho had called Gary Cooper “Coop,” and it stuck. They met while dueting on “Lidia the Tattooed Lady” at a Frank Sinatra birthday party. They became friends while living in Beverly Hills. Groucho had insomnia and would call Coop at 1 a.m. to hang out.
“He had a chair next to his bed with a six pack of Budweiser, and we would sit and watch old movies. And then pretty soon, after about two movies were over, I’d look over and he’d be in his beret and his cigar and he’d finally go to sleep. I’d put out his cigar, turn out the lights and go home. And the next night, one o’clock in the morning: ‘Hey coop, can’t sleep, come on over.’”
Groucho took his friends to Coop’s concert, from George Burns to Jack Benny and Mae West. Ballet dancers in Coop’s show, performing as skeletons, would look over and see Fred Astaire on the side of the stage. None of them needed earplugs.

Pope Francis is evicting a US cardinal from his Vatican-subsidised apartment and stripping away his retirement salary, according to a new report.
Raymond Burke, an American cardinal, has been a vocal critic of Pope Francis since his installation as the head of the Roman Catholic church in 2013. 

The press and others are getting on his shit for allowing what they call 
'anti-semetic' posts on Twitter, and advertisers are walking away in protest. His response to Disney and others who've publicly stated they won't advertise? "Go fuck yourselves. You don't want to advertise on here? Good. Fuck you."
I like this guy. The Guardian has a video snippet of his comments here:



Ya know, I've been a smoker on and off (more on than off, but anyway) for the past 55 or so years, and still can't get my head around how we/they usta deal with it. Back in the day, smoking was pretty much allowed everywhere - even in restaurants. In fact, most restaurants had two sections — one for smokers and one for non-smokers — so when you approached the hostess, they would generally greet you with “Smoking or non?”
The craziest was when I'd be on a plane where I'd be smoking away in aisle 32 seat A and guy in front of me - where I was blowing my exhales at - was in the 'non-smoking section'.


Christmas is less than three weeks from
 now, and if you want to get something
 truly special, you have to act fast...

Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping.
Order by December 14th to ensure delivery.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

It's the truth. Have you listened to NPR lately? It's almost exclusively doom-and-gloom shit 24/7. It's 'I hate my life/why don't people believe I'm a turtle/everybody everywhere is miserable/I'm gay and so is everyone else'. This broad who runs it now is an avowed lesbian/liberal phsycofuck who'll eventually destroy what usta be enjoyable. Juss' sayin'...


This is where the whole idea of 'unfriending' 
someone on Fakebook came from.

Pretty amazing prizes even for those days...



  1. 30 was the high here yesterday

  2. Seeing Bridget Bardot's ass crack is the highlight of my day!!!

  3. So basically your telling us your a pussy if its only 30F....comeon man....

  4. While gorgeous as a young lady, Bardot did NOT age well. Compare her to Sophia Loren or Raquel Welch. No comparison at all, in my opinion.


Don't worry, Arch, she ain't goin' nowhere - nekkid...

...   Is the woman you love a cat lover? She'd probably love to have these. Click on the picture above for information on these earrings...