Monday, November 6, 2023

Fuck daylight savings time.

 Right now, all of my friends in the Virgin Islands 
are one hour ahead of me...  

That's because, unlike us here in the States, they don't do this stupid clock-changing thing twice a year. It's fuckin' ridiculous and needs to go away. My house isn't that big - it's basically eight rooms plus a garage and a lania. We have - for god knows what fuckin' reason - a total of 11 clocks in and around our house. It's just too much for a man to have to handle. This shit might have made sense 100 years ago, but it's time to let go. Juss' sayin'...

We do we have daylight savings anyway?


  1. Quintana Roo, Mx does not change clocks either..............

  2. DST has never made sense on any level. If people want extra light at the end of the day get up and go to work an hour earlier. Most companies could simply adjust shift schedules to start at 7 instead of 8. The real cost is the lose of an hour of production in the spring when workers get paid for an hour they did not work and the hour of overtime they get in the fall but there is little increase in production.
    Plus that it has pretty much killed off the drive in movie business.

  3. Can't agree more.Does anyone know anybody that actually likes the time change?Spring or fall?

  4. The whole idea is to keep us off balance.

  5. Grandma told me it was so the bankers had an extra hour of daylight to golf after work. It's the best explanation that I have heard.

  6. There are 4 clocks that have to be adjusted in the house. The vehicles are a different story. My F-350 auto adjusts, the wife's car I adjust, the Ranger has a battery disconnect because of a parasitic battery draw so it is always wrong, and my 74 Stingray is right two times a day. I have replaced the Stingray's clock 3 times over the years. Clocks in 70's GM vehicles only have a 3 or 4 year lifespan. It has been dead for 4 or 5 years.

  7. It made even less sense a 100 years ago, and it makes no sense now. Some one convinced a President that it would save energy (demonstrably false) and we're stuck with it until congress does something useful. Arizona and Hawaii are the only sane states as they ignore it.


Times are tough all over...