Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Every once in a while...

 There's one headline you stumble upon that captures 
the essence of your being. Like this one...  

This one was on the front page of the US Sun.



My wife and I went to a Mongolian restaurant in Fort Lauderdale a good while back. You sit at a round table that's a big steel cook top and order your food from a menu, and the waiter brings you the raw ingredients and you cook everything yourself. It was the single stupidest fuckin' restaurant I've been to, and that's saying something. I think the place closed within a year.



Toronto’s rental market has officially gone off the rails, with a recent listing for half a bed - priced at $655 ($900 Canadian) - serving as the latest proof of the city’s housing chaos. Screenshots obtained by CTV News Toronto revealed an eyebrow-raising Facebook Marketplace post seeking an “easy-going FEMALE” roommate for a shared bedroom to bunk up with — quite literally, as the tenant would have to share one queen-size bed. The ad, which has since been removed, demanded a jaw-dropping upfront payment of $1,900, including the first and last month’s rent plus an extra $100 for the key deposit.


Queen Elizabeth II and her husband were third cousins, both 
descended from Queen Victoria. That's not creepy at all, is it...



Joe Biden has been roundly mocked after posting a photograph of himself sitting alone at a dining table in The White House complete with a flaming birthday cake to celebrate his 81st birthday. 'I turned 81 and all I got was a new social platform! Thanks for the well-wishes, folks,'  Biden wrote as he made his first posting on the social media platform Threads. 'And to the workers at the birthday candle factory, I hope your union got you overtime,' he quipped, as the cake appeared to be engulfed in flames. But followers on other social media were quick to add fuel to the fire. 'There's a portal to hell on a plate in front of him', tweeted Dana Loesch - the radio babe...


Neil Young - the over-rated, over-the-hill rocker fighting for a semblence of relevance in this new, fucked-up world, has announced he is boycotting X, formerly Twitter, amid the ongoing outcry against an antisemitic tweet made by the company’s owner Elon Musk.
Writing on his website, Young said: “We are stopping all use of X that we can control. For reasons that should be obvious to the richest man on Earth, we are taking this action against his company.” He shared an image of Musk with the caption: “Tesla should fly flags of love – not hate.” Yeah - you tell 'em Neil. Like we give a fuck...

It's time to start thinking about the 
gifts that will mean the most to her...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's  one-of-a-kind, only $ 55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:



  1. Does anyone under 70 even know who Neil Young was? I mean it was 2009 when Bob Dylan got arrested because a Cop who had never heard of him thought he was a homeless nut.


  2. The thing about Leslie Nielsen isn't surprising. John Cleese was exactly the same way. What a world, when two of the funniest guys on the planet never got the humor. Maybe a sense of humor isn't as common as we think it is?

  3. Queen E and husband are 3rd cousins ?
    well, that explains Prince (now King) Charles

  4. Those cook your own food restaurants were a mini rage out by me 15-20 years ago. The Weber grill people I believe still operate one. They were designed for working couples who still wanted the experience of preparing their own food but not deal with any pre and post BS.Not for me but I did get the concept. Someone sets your table, gets your drinks, cleans up after you etc and you grill you and your dates own steaks and veggies. Now who actually thought cooking your own Mongolian food would be a hit should be caned!

  5. "...Hope Neil Young will remember
    Southern Man don't need him around anyhow." ~~ Some band from Alabama.

    1. Actually, The band of which you speak is from jacksonville florida

    2. I believe the founding members went to Paxton High School in JAX.

  6. I still carry a pocket watch but I don't wear jeans so I have had to have a watch pocket sewn in. There are very few pants with them anymore.

    1. There was a time, back in the 60's and somewhat later, when all men's trousers had watch pockets.

      Then, men often wore vests with watch chains and fobs as decoration. And hats, even.

  7. The Mongolian barbecues here do it the opposite way. You pick what you want to eat, including the sauce, they cook it for you on this big round flat top, and you take it over to your table when it's ready.


A little tidbit from Playboy's past...