Friday, October 6, 2023

Your greatest fear may be realized. You think Joe is bad?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a message to voters who think President Joe Biden won’t run again.  “We need to move past this notion that he’s not going to run,” Newsom told NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd in an interview clip released Friday. “President Biden is going to run and I’m looking forward to him getting reelected.”
Do you believe one single iota of that statement he made last month? If you do I have some beachfront property in Nevada I wanna show you. The more emphatic guys like him are, the more you know they're full of shit. Why else would he be debating DeSantis next month?
Read this and shelve your disbelief:



Sanctuary this, you fuckin' morons...

Forget about finding a hotel room anywhere near Foxboro any time soon. Getting a ticket to the Army-Navy Game this year isn’t the toughest battle for military veterans, service academy graduates, and their families – it’s finding a hotel to stay at.
Military families who booked rooms in Foxboro, Massachusetts, which is the site of the 124th installment of this college football game at Gillette Stadium, are getting cancelation notices from hotels that are being used by the state to house migrants.
Massachusetts has a "right to shelter" law, which ensures migrants and homeless families have somewhere to live. But not you. Fuck you. But it's okay - your tax dollars are footing the bill...

Well, that bit of news ain't gonna help anybody who's already 
scared shitless about flying, is it?

That's subtle. It's also a little creepy and took me 
a half minute to get, but I like subtle...

I don't get this one, do you?

So I don't want any of you guys buying any tickets in the next week 
or two. The odds against me hitting this thing are high enough without 
you adding to my misery. Juss' sayin'...


Does someone you love love cats?
If so, she might love to have these...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings. 
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.

They were doing things on TV back in the 60s that we might 
have missed but were, none the less, brilliant. Like this...


I think when it comes to a battle of the constitutionality and/or legality 
of what he may or may not have done versus their hot-blooded absolute 
hatred of the man, he may win out. Juss' sayin'...

These door handles are from the main Mormon LDS Temple in 
Salt Lake City. The attention to detai lin this place is incredible. 
It took 30 years to complete.


Yeah - fuck that paywall bullshit. You're only ever going to be preaching to the choir if you think that's how the internet works. Here's the deal, let everyone read it for free and charge the advertisers for the exposure, ya dickbrains...


  1. The number of lottery tickets sold has no impact on your odds of winning. It only impacts the probability of whether or not you might have to share the jackpot.

  2. the only one that wins is the damn IRS and the state. as someone much older and wiser than me once told me,
    it is a tax on people who can not do math. back when I was still working, used to see people blow 50 to100 bucks on tickets like this. granted someone has to win, but do you really win ? most people have nothing but problems after "winning the lottery" I pass on that bit. dave in pa.

  3. On that newspaper ad thing - they could easily target LOCAL ads to subscribers, that would be more useful to them, and relatively affordable. The technology is there, and would provide a level playing field for local businesses.

    But, the newspapers don't want that - they want the NATIONAL advertisers (who also pay for the "impartial" stories that make them look good), the NATIONAL, LEFTIST stories that they get paid for in ads for "Non-Profits" - why would they need to have advertising? It's because it's a left-handed way of PAYING them for the slanted stories, without actually PAYING them directly.

    I'm thinking there should be a model for local news - all online, but printable stories. LOCAL businesses, paying less than usual rates. Coverage - FAIR coverage of local government. They could use stringers (a LOT of people would cover sports and other activities for the cost of their gas and other expenses). The model is doable, but not if they have to print the paper. That's where the cost is - I recently checked into what it would cost for a SMALL ad in local parish bulletins - UNBELIEVABLE! I asked if there was a sliding scale, based on the size of the church - nope.
    So, maybe churches could work out alternative ways to do the bulletins, that fit the size of their congregation.


Good Morning...