Friday, October 27, 2023

When's the last time you said 'I'm going to the store - be right back'? Well, good luck with that in some states...

New York-area shoppers who need employee assistance to get products that have been locked up because of soaring retail theft are being forced to wait as long as 40 minutes for their goods, according to a report.
Reporters from the investigative outlet Inside Edition visited five Targets, five Walmarts and five CVS stores across New York and New Jersey to see how long it took to receive items set behind lock and key after pressing the stores respective help buttons. A Walmart in New Jersey made Inside’s investigators wait the longest, even after calling for assistance three times to snag locked-up baby formula.
It took 15 minutes for a store employee to the rescue, and a manager apologized for the lengthy wait time, Inside Edition reported.

In another aisle at the NJ Walmart store, the wait for an electric toothbrush was a staggering 24 minutes. The Inside team waited a staggering 40 minutes in total to pick up just three items, per the outlet.
The rest of the Post's article is here:


  1. Unless I absolutely have to have it today, Amazon Prime... Oh, wait. I don't live in New York and we don't have this nonsense here.

  2. Tough shit! You won't lock up the criminals. So, now you get to suffer.....

  3. I needed to obtain a couple of SD cards for some new game cameras. The nearest Walmart had them in stock and since I needed to be in the area for other errands, I figured I'd swing in and quickly grab a couple instead of ordering online. The cards were located easily enough, but were secured by a lock on the display hanger. No employee was working in the electronic section. I could see a half-dozen or so employees nearby stocking shelves (of apparently less-valuable merchandise), so I asked one of them for help. They said the person responsible for that section was on lunch break, but they would see what they could do and off they went. I stood around for approximately 15 minutes, then said "to hell with it" and left. I ordered the cards off Amazon.


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