Thursday, October 26, 2023

They'll be changing diapers and breast-feeding at Harvard soon enough...

Harvard University plans to establish a task force to assist students whose names were publicized after signing public letters exclusively blaming Israel for the atrocities of the October 7 massacre.
Beginning November 3, the task force will offer services to students impacted by the fallout from affixing their names to the controversial statements, including guidance on how to handle online harassment and how to mute bothersome social-media accounts, the Harvard Crimson reported.

“We are truly grateful for all the tremendous work that students have put forth in supporting each other through this most difficult time, and we appreciate the collaborative spirit in which students, faculty, and staff have come together to repel this repugnant assault on our community,” Harvard’s dean of students Thomas Dunne wrote in an official statement on Tuesday. What a colossal crock of shit.
Click on the headline banner for the full article.


  1. Students need to learn there's operating expenses for running an alligator mouth.

  2. What a total zoo Harvard is. If I was still hiring people, any Harvard resume would go in the shit can. Like back when, when I shitcanned all Bizerkly resumes that personnel would send to me. They (personell) learned not to send me any more. When you hire some screwball, sureasell it will bite you in the ass eventually.

  3. Harvard is a repugnant crock of shit. And their students and the horses they rode in on. I hope they all are unemployed for many years. And that their alumni cut them off, permanently.

  4. Let me help. After you get your $400.000.00 degree from Havaaad and get your first job remember to ask the customer if they want fries with that.

  5. Can we get a list of the names of those students being assisted?

  6. I like the idea of Harvard creating something that will publicize the names of the idiots who support Hamas, EVEN MORE! Yes indeed, let's get those names out there so the rest of us can quietly ignore them when it comes time for hiring....I think every college should do the same thing....keep the public informed of the idiocy....

  7. I would absolutely pull any money from their endowment given by me or my family if at all possible. Defund Harvard!

  8. I am an Electrical Engineer and went to college in the mid 70s but had to work my way through college. As a Manager after the 2000s I found most college grads under skilled, needing at least a year of training before they were competent, and they wanted more money then I was making. I found I could hire a non-college grad at less money and bring them up to speed faster and have a better employee.
