Wednesday, October 25, 2023

There are great memories behind this...

I wonder where she is these days - or if she's still alive...


  1. I saw Yes at MSG on February 20, 1974. First date with what would become my main HS girlfriend. Nose bleed seats but I still have pictures somewhere, shot with a 35mm Nikon that I borrowed.

  2. It is strange to me how some people are so music oriented. When I was young I generally didn't pay attention to music except once in a while. Went to a concert once. It was cool. But really costly for my income level.

  3. Back in HS (mid-70's, Mid-Hudson Valley region, NYS), my buds and I did nothing but progressive - Yes, Tull, UK, King Crimson, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Al DeMeola, Zeppelin, ELP, etc. To even mention what then passed for pop (Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, etc.) or, MUCH WORSE, disco, was an instant and thorough ass-kicking. Even the local FM stations (WVKR - Vassar College Radio and WPDH) did much more progressive than the usual ho-hum mass produced pablum...

  4. If you were a musician in the early 70's, it was impossible to ignore the talent and creativity of this group....however, I personally never appreciated them unless I was laid back and stoned with nothing to do but listen, preferably through a great pair of headphones....Yes just wasn't a band to listen to while building a house or some other my most humble opinion....that said, my favorite listening band in those days, 69 through the mid 70's, was Pink Floyd....Got hooked on Pink Floyd through an album called Ummagumma, which coincided with the first time I got high....imagine that....

  5. Replies
    1. The 'she' is the girl this song reminds me of knuckehead. Jeez - do I have to explain everything?

    2. Sometimes you do! Especially since I hadn't had my coffee yet.


Those Twisted Hillbillies come through with major league babes day after day...

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