Sunday, October 1, 2023

The tree-huggers will never be happy, but this is making their brains explode. Gotta love it...

I like dogs but I don't quite get this except for it's another example of how some people have WAY too much money. And besides, it actually sounds like a pretty stupid idea - screaming kids are more than enough of a pain in the ass on a plane. Just one of those yippy little dogs'd be enough to drive me batshit. Juss' sayin'
Read about this lastest threat to the world ecology here:

Speaking of unruly and uncontrollable dogs...



  1. yeah, well. just about anything drives the tree huggers crazy anyway. my last 2 dogs where great. I miss them a lot. new dog is okay. not what I really wanted. wanted a lab mix pup. ended up with some yuppie mix with lab.
    smaller. LOUDER and bounces off the wall mix. I mean he looks like a lab, but is 1/3 the size (?)
    anyway. if I had the money, I would take my dogs with me too. not that I want to go anywhere
    kind of funny how the morons stop traffic and working people all the time, but never go after the rich assholes
    flying all over the place ? take those assholes at Davos, everyone of them fly there by private plane. there so many jets there, they moved them to other airfields ! but you never hear about the eco freaks there now ?
    just my 2 cents, for whatever it worth. dave in pa.

  2. If not for the horrible FAA and their BS regulations, people would be able to find affordable accommodations for their pets on planes in the US. We drive because we enjoy vacationing with our dog now and again. The thought of handing them 9ver to the murderous criminals at the airlines (Delta worst of all) is a non-starter. Complaints should be over the lack of opinions for the rest of us, not 9ver the opinions the rich ALWAYS HAVE.

    1. Not sure how I missed the spell check changes from options to opinions.

  3. There are only maybe 5000 billionaires on the planet. It is the remaining 7,999,995,000 that cause climate change.

  4. Where do I sign up for a dog flight? I'd much rather be surrounded by strange, bad mannered, untrained, face licking dogs than by most of the strangers encountered the last couple years. Not that there's anything wrong with French families who haven't bathed in the last week or so, or huge, government dependent, niglish speaking free-shitters who adore Hillary, or college indoctrinated students, or arrogant pro-vaxxers, or those who don't care which Clinton they have sex with, or crazy-radical environmentalists.

  5. Or that buff-a-rillo that takes the seat next to you and the other two seats.


Here's one more for ya Auntie...