Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The pot (in this case it's the Pope) calling the kettle black. Imagine that...

How much do you think he'll kick in towards that effort? 
Last year, the Vatican's former finance minister, Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, spoke with the Vatican News about the Holy See's financial statements for 2021, revealing that it had 3.9 billion euros in total assets. Adjusted for 2023 dollars, that's almost $5 billion. 
That doesn't even include all of the precious gems and metal objects, gold and silver trinkets and works of art that the uber-rich 'Nation' of The Vatican owns and/or has control over. 
The Vatican is also the largest real estate empire in the world when you throw in all the church and school properties the church owns. Combined, all of those assets would be worth more than a few trillion dollars if it all ever came to market.

The computer-generated voice over is annoying, but you'll get the drift.


  1. How did the (once conservative) catholic church elect this f-ing socialist, globalist, sell-out to be their leader? No respect for the catholics until you get rid of this commie.

    - Chi.

  2. Red Frankie is a globalist plant....

  3. It's going to get ugly. This guy surrounded himself with like-thinkers. When he's gone most candidates to replace him are as bad or worse.

  4. The single wealthiest organization in the world that is not a country, and who do they dominate?....the third world....i believe the anti Christ comes from these people, if you're attuned to that kind of thing...."How do I follow you?....Give away all your wealth and come with me"....I guess the church didn't hear that part.....especially when they were making deals with the Nazis to preserve their wealth....

  5. vicar of marx, not Christ


I'm not here, but Calvin is...