Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Commander-in-Chief has a Commander who bites...

President Biden’s two-year-old German shepherd Commander bit a White House staffer on camera last month, his 12th documented act of aggression in the past year — further undermining anonymous administration spin that the first dog only bites Secret Service personnel.
A tourist photographed Commander sinking his teeth into the arm of White House grounds superintendent Dale Haney, 71, on Sept. 13. published the image Wednesday and reported that Haney, who has been photographed in the past walking Commander, had been playing with the dog when the animal turned on him.

Commander also bit a Secret Service agent on Sept. 25, CNN reported last week. Anonymous White House staffers told Politico Monday that Commander is “always so friendly” and that they had “never seen him like that” around non-security staff.


  1. The dog is a asshole. So is it's owner.

  2. "You can tell the owner by the dog"....and dogs don't lie.

  3. When Hunter stops blowing crack cocaine into Commander's face, the dog will settle down.
