Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Political cartoons and a new perspective...

We could all use a little of what made Picasso as great as he was - we need to see things differently once in a while. It's hard for most of us to step outside ourselves and see things from a different perspective. Take Guernica for instance.
Is this a political cartoon? Steve Brodner - a famous charicaturist - thinks so, and said so, at the American Association of Editorial Cartoonists convention in San Francisco this past weekend.
Picasso’s painting is considered Great Art, but he was reacting to the bombing of Guernica and he was certainly expressing his take on the horror. The fact that he didn’t draw it to be published in a newspaper doesn’t factor into either his intentions or its impact.
Maybe we should try and see things with a different set of eyes once in a while.

There is nothing about this that I miss...

You can file this in the 'No shit, Sherlock' folder: 
Extreme weather has dealt major blows to the sugar industry worldwide this year, which could cost you more cash to fill up the trick-or-treat bags.
“This has been a very tough year for global sugar. If you look at the top ten producing countries this year, six of them have had extreme weather,” Chief Meteorologist at Everstream Analytics, John Davis, told FOX Weather. “And the ramification of that is higher prices for anything that you use sugar for, including candy.” 
He points to drought in Thailand, the fourth-largest producer, cutting production by almost a quarter. India, the US and Europe suffered flooding, representing the second, sixth and third top producers. Everstream said that extreme weather is expected to decrease the global sugar supply by 10% to 15% over the 2023/24 growing season.
So doesn't this make you think that weather patterns change on ocassion? Gee, who knew, huh? We have a saying here in Florida - 'If you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes'...



On October 10, 1950 - 73 tears ago today, The Federal Communications Commission authorizes the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) to begin commercial color TV broadcasts. Most Americans did not own color TV's until the mid-60's.


Unfortunately, we probably won't hear all the bullshit this guy's pulled 
over the years until after he's dead. The MSM just will not allow it.



My favorite of all their music just because it's 
so different fom all the rest. Darryl's a really 
talented guy. He turns 77 today. That makes ME 
feel old. Jeez...




  1. Nice selection from Hall and Oates.....had a band at one time and we were going to use "Haulin Oats", but we didn't think we'd get away with it.....same with "The Bluesy Moods"....

  2. I actually was feeling nostalgic about the heavy snow, when I lived in SC. The world always moved a little slower on those days. Since moving back to OH, I still enjoy those mornings - as long as I have the option to drink an extra cup of coffee, and make a big breakfast. Which, being retired, I usually do.


I'm not here, but...