Thursday, October 5, 2023

NOW he notices?

With every thing else this guy does, there has to be a sub-plot to it somehow. I think now he realizes that Trump may have been right all along, but that's only after he's let over 6,000,000 of these motherfuckers come in. 
Read this and you try to figure out what's the real meaning behind this:


  1. you may be underestimating the number

  2. “The wall” biden wants is just a series of funnel points so the communists can control where the invaders are sent in the country. That’s the only means of “controlling the border” they want. More refugees to red states. Nothing more

  3. The Regime is doing this now because it fears losing votes in its "sanctuary cities" where fed up citizens have risen up to protest the influx of illegal alien foreign invaders. It's. That. Simple.

  4. There's another reason for this that just hasn't yet become apparent, but when it does you can bet it's not something beneficial to American taxpayers....

  5. More utter bullshit to feed the stupid gullible saps. Yeah sure, he is going to start building the wall....but not just yet. There are going to be delays which of course are "unavoidable". Nothing but more smoke to blow up the asses of the shit for brains, who will, of course, swallow the whole load as always.

  6. I think that Geatz fella took the wind out of the demoncrats sails. The sanctuary cities finally got their signal through prez mashed potatoes for brains. Now he can trumpet his actions in relieving those cities stress.

  7. It won't matter if Biden/Mayorkas build one or 100 miles of wall when they weld the doors open as they've done in other sectors. It's all a sham/all for show.
