Saturday, October 7, 2023

It's good advice, Arnold, but it might be just a little too late...

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian bodybuilding icon and actor turned politician, warned against the US creating a 'generation of wimps' and said to embrace struggle during an appearance on The Howard Stern Show.
“The more you struggle, the further you’re gonna go and the stronger you’re going to get,” the Hollywood action star said Wednesday. “It’s just the way the world works.” Schwarzenegger, who celebrated 40 years of US citizenship this year, explained that “young kids today” tend to shy away and “baby themselves” from the struggle that comes with hard work in order to achieve success.
“Anybody that tries to baby themselves, and pamper themselves and protect themselves - ‘Oh, I don’t want to feel bad, I don’t really want to go through any discomfort’ - It’s over,” Schwarzenegger continued. “You have to be able to struggle.”

Isn't it funny - whenever I read a quote from Arnold - no matter what it is about -  I always hear it in my head in his Terminator voice. If you wanna read the whole article with some video of him, here it is:



Boy, and I thought it was just me...

This seems to be a somewhat disturbing (if that's the right word for it) trend happening on Fakebook lately...

I might think it's sexy if I was a pimply-faced 
13-year-old death metal head. Juss' sayin'...

It was so cold in Upstate New York in the winter of 1911 
that Niagara Falls actually froze solid.




Does someone you love love cats?
If so, she might like to have these...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings. 
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.

Armi Helena Kuusela, born 20 August 1934 (not pictured above) was a Finnish-American charity worker, model, and beauty queen. In 1952, she won the Finnish national beauty contest 'Suomen Neito' (a traditional Finnish beauty pageant that was organized in the 1950s and 1960s) and was presented with a trip to the United States to participate in the first-ever Miss Universe pageant, becoming its first title-holder.


War between Palestinians and Israel has kicked in yet again. This shit will never end. Here we have a bunch of Palestinian militants heading toward the border with Israel from Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday. 
Didja ever ever wonder why these guys all havta wear those fucked up face masks? It certainly isn't because they're a bunch of bad-asses who aren't afraid of dying, is it? Asking for a friend...



Click on this banner to see her collection on Etsy.



  1. Hamas was waiting for a few extra billion from Iran. That's actually not the $6,000,000,000 that Joe paid to Iran but actually just a measly $5,400,000,000

    1. That dumbass in the Whitehouse is talking about paying billions more for 3 other American hostages in Iran.

  2. Hamas and other terrorist groups wear face masks because Israel has very very very good facial recognition and has no problem sending a hit team to whack some asswipe whom they (Israel) have identified.

    The Israelis also track DNA and fingerprints.

    And they'll visit families identified through DNA evidence to tell them to knock this stuff off. And they'll pull all benefits and payments from families tied to terrorism.

    They also built a huge friggin wall. It works so well that many muslims in Israel actually prefer it that way.

  3. "Girls in tight outfits with big boobs ..." Say nor more. That alone is sufficiently sexy.
