Monday, September 4, 2023

Yaeh - they're dolls alright. The kind you hide under your bed. Or bury in the backyard...

If these women - every single one of them - haven't pegged your 'get the fuck outta here' meter, there's something seriously wrong with YOU. 
Read this ridiculous story about these ridiculous self-absorbed, selfie-taking pieces of shit here. But maybe you wanna eat later - this may (actually it should) make you gag:


  1. If they peg any of your meters, in any way, shape, or form, there's something seriously wrong with YOU. It means you are paying way too much attention to the media.

  2. "Damaged Goods" - Each and every one of them.

  3. And I've heard they are not popular in the LA Armenian community.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...