Wednesday, September 27, 2023

With friends like Cory, who needs friends?

After four days of not saying shit since Sen. Bob Menendez was indicted, Sen. Cory Booker, the worthless piece of shit former Mayor of Newark, NJ, came out on Tuesday and said his buddy from Jersey should resign. Booker's the latest member of the New Jersey congressional delegation to weigh in on stunning charges that accuse the senior senator of being part of a bribery scheme for doing shit for the Egyptian government and disrupting criminal investigations.
"Senator Menendez fiercely asserts his innocence and it is therefore understandable that he believes stepping down is patently unfair," Booker said in a statement. "But I believe this is a mistake.
"Stepping down is not an admission of guilt but an acknowledgment that holding public office often demands tremendous sacrifices at great personal cost. Senator Menendez has made these sacrifices in the past to serve. And in this case he must do so again. I believe stepping down is best for those Senator Menendez has spent his life serving.” 
There's something you gotta understand about these two pals. Menendez was the guy who recommended Booker to replace Frank Lautenberg when he died in 2013. If Booker was in my foxhole, I wouldn't wait for the enemy - I'd shoot that two-faced dooshbag myself. Juss' sayin'


This guy will never get another day's rest as long as he's breathing. We've never seen our system of Justice and the Government this weaponized against an individual in my lifetime. It's frightening that it appears there's nothing we can do to help him and stop them. Trump may have to sell off a shit load of his assets in order to pay the fines levied on him as well as his legal fees, which must be an insane number on their own. 


We had a couple of stores like this in my neighborhood growing up. 
They all smelled wonderful...

That's some seriously sexy shit from Gimbels.
... - A uniformed division officer was bitten by the president’s German shepherd at about 8pm on Monday at the White House, and was treated on-site by medical personnel, said the Secret Service’s chief of communications, Anthony Guglielmi.
Elizabeth Alexander, the communications director for the first lady, Jill Biden, said: “The White House can be a stressful environment for family pets, and the first family continues to work on ways to help Commander handle the often unpredictable nature of the White House grounds.”
Commander has bitten or otherwise attacked Secret Service personnel at least 10 times between October 2022 and January, including one incident that required a hospital visit by the injured law enforcement officer, according to records from the Department of Homeland Security.
Commander is the second of the president’s dogs to behave aggressively - biting Secret Service personnel and White House staff. The first dog, a German shepherd named Major, was 'sent to live with friends in Delaware' after those incidents.


Does your little angel deserve a treat?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
... - About twenty people have been arrested after widespread looting broke out in Philadelphia last night, with one woman who livestreamed the chaos. Police in the city said that a large group of around 100 juveniles kept moving from store to store and looting them. Videos shared on social media show officers attempting to grab thieves, some of whom are wearing Halloween masks, as they run riot through a Lululemon store. 

Every single one of them - even the ones that did manage to get away - were the usual subjects, as usual. Click the credit if you wanna read the article.








  2. The whole point of the democrats wanting Menendez to step down is all about appointing a democrat to replace him and not taking a chance on losing the seat in an election....this asshole needs to face a jury, not resign his office....never forget.....wanna save the country?....kill all the democrats....

  3. If a young lady goes to the trouble of growing pert breasts and arranging them in an attractive display, I feel a certain obligation to stare at them.
    I mean, it's the polite thing to do; who am I to disparage her efforts?

  4. Russia gave money to the Clintons, China gave money to the Bidens because fuck you, that's why. No problemo. But when Donald Trump wanted to borrow money, banks around the world lined up to do business with him, knowing their loans were secured with billions of assets. Donald Trump paid back the loans with interest. According to democrat activists in New York, that is a problem. Funny, it wasn't a problem when Trump was a democrat.

  5. Even the dog knows the Secret Service is protecting frauds, grifters, pedophiles and drug abusers. Fuck the Secret Service.

  6. well, gee. the dog is just like the owner. a nasty fuck. bitter and mean. I think the main reason why they want him to go away is if he doesn't, all of the nasty backroom deals will come out. people will see that the clowns are selling them out for whatever they can get. can't have a spotlight on the backroom deals now can we ?
    if there a trial, people will see just how bad they are fucking the rest of us for personal gain.
    can't have people thinking and asking how did all of them are worth millions on what they make per year ?
    hell even that dipshit bartender AOC is said to be worth 26 million ? how ? didn't she used to be broke like 4 years ago or so ? so, yeah. the people would like to know . dave in pa.
