Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Will 'Gen-Z' be the end of this country as we know it? Most likely, yes...

The truth, it appears, will not set them free. They'd rather believe the bullshit. A fascinating survey has revealed the most common turn-ons and turn-offs among 18-34-year-old men and women in the U.S. Change Research asked 1,033 Americans whether certain behaviors are a green, beige, or red flag in a partner. Being a MAGA backer turned off 76 percent of women, while saying there are only two genders and listening to Joe Rogan were also named negative qualities. For men, identifying as a communist was a massive turn-off. At least a small part of their brains are still working. The rest of the article is both funny and scary. It's here:


  1. Plenty of video's of those same women asking "Where are all the good men?"

  2. They are hiding from the women now. Since being male is a dangerous thing to be now. It is better to be without than being pushed into jail.

  3. The main take away is that with sufficient brainwashing, schools can get kids to believe pretty much anything. Especially when both parents worry more about their careers than the kids. It doesn't take that much effort to have dinner as a family and have discussions about what the anti American woke idiot teachers were trying to force down the kids throats.

  4. I decided a long time ago on the worthlessness of anybody who thinks that making the country great again is a bad thing.....biden has made Maga a cuss word, akin to fuck this shit.....well, maybe that's because those of us who still believe the country can be saved are saying exactly that....fuck this shit....

  5. "For men, identifying as a communist was a massive turn-off. At least a small part of their brains are still working." Not much. Most of them can't recognize communism when it's right in front of them. Almost all of them think Nazis were at the opposite end of the political spectrum - but 75% of the Nazi party platform was the same a Marx's.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...