Saturday, September 16, 2023

Where memories of my teenage years live...

I think almost everybody has childhood memories that include a local movie theater. This one is from the neighborhood I grew up in in Newark, NJ. Stole my first kiss and copped my first feel there. 
They usta have kids specials on Saturdays with cartoons and shorts and trailers at least two, if not three, features. I remember very clearly one Saturday in particular when the showed the movies 'The Fly', 'The Bat' and 'The Spider' all in one day. There were days when we got in to the theater at 10:30 and didn't leave until nearly dinner time. If you had 50 cents you were golden for the whole day with candy and soda and popcorn.
My Buddy Pat Ammiano (who just died this week) was an usher there and usta let us sneek in through one of the fire exits in the rear of the building. Sadly, the Newark riots had such a fucked-up effect on the whole city that the theater went under in '69 or thereabouts. It's long since been torn down, but memories of that place will be with me forever.
I hope you have similar ones of your own...


Ya gotta admit - that's pretty funny.




Speaking of cartoon characters...

Kanye West’s wife Bianca Censori - the nutjob with the oversized tits -
 wore a bizarre ‘lion’s mane’ headpiece with just a thong bodysuit at London Fashion Week. And I have no idea what the fuck he thinks he's doing with his head wrapped like a freak sheik, but trying to understand why these people do the shit they do can make yer brain hurt.
I have no idea who she is or where she came from, but both of 'em are pretty much straight out of a box of fuckin' fruit loops, ain't they? Honestly, why would anyone give a fuck about idiots like these two continuosly making idiots of themselves? It boggles the mind how small-minded people can be...


So - this broad's fucked. Not only did she lose her job and now hasta fork over more money than she probably even has. I have a question that may sound rhetorical but isn't: If these two guys get a divorce, do they have to give her her money back? 

 I know exactly where this bridge is and what that stream 
sounds like. I see it and hear it in my dreams.


I'm not saying that if you buy her
 something nice, she'll love you more. 
But she might... 

Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping!

So I gotta ask you guys about something that's bugging me a little. 
This blog gets around 8-9,000 or so page views a day, which translates in to about 2,5000,000 a year, and that sure as fuck ain't something to sneeze at, but I'm curious - that number has been constant now for almost a year, varying ever so slightly depending on the days of the wek, phase of the moon, holidays and some other shit that makes no sense. 
Why do you suppose we've plateaued at this level? Have we - or more specifically have I - reached the outer limits of blogosphere interests? This fascinates me.
Don't get me wrong - I'm proud as fuck at these numbers, I really am. I'm just confused a little as to how and why our audience doesn't increase. Any ideas?

Yeah - he probably ain't gettin' laid for a while...

VHS tapes of iconic movies like "Back to the Future" and classic Disney films are being sold for hundreds and even thousands on eBay. 
Video cassettes are a rarity in the era of streaming. If you have a classic and the tape is in the right condition, you've got a treasure in your hands.

I may not know shit, but I know what this is...





  1. In Basic training there was a big difference between Shinola and Kiwi shoe polish. Those of us that used Kiwi could get a shine that you could see the reflection of your teeth.

  2. Davis was doing her job correctly, as the law required. Judge should have tossed the tossers suit straight away. Instead we get theater, like Jack Phillips and a host of others, because a few micro-minority among the populace demand legal validation for their whacko proclivities then get all hissy fit when people tell them to go pound sand.

    1. NO. By that time gay marriage was legal in all states, so Davis was disobeying the law. If she wanted to follow a higher law, she could resign her job.

      OTOH, $100,000 in damages is ridiculous. What would it have cost the couple to drive to the next county and find a more reasonable clerk?

  3. Is Bianca Censori the new Yoko Ono?

    1. As John Lennon famously said..."Love aint''s deaf"....

  4. I would ask other bloggers for the secret. Might just need a post that gets linked to drive traffic your way, and then they stick around.

  5. you asked why your number of viewers doesnt increase, Its because you are a citizen of New Jersey. That might not be too bad but you ACT like someone from NJ. In a word, obnoxious
