Friday, September 15, 2023

Like sand through the hourglass of time...

Here we are at a Friday again. Amazing, isn't it?
Is it just me or do you also think that there's some kind weird 
time-compression thing that goes on with us as we get older? 
At a time when we should be taking our time at just about everything, milking every adventure and sensation for all they're worth, when we should linger longer at everything, that time seems to fly by so fast it's almost frightening?

Here's a little 'passage of time meter' that I have. I don't take a lot of meds, but I do take a halfa cholesterol pill every day and a coupla supplements. Like the average dipshit senior I am, I got one of the pill holder things, and try as I might to accept that I have to refill it only once a week, it seems like I'm doing that every fifteen minutes. Dat der Tempus sure as fuck be Fugitin'. Juss' sayin'...


In just over 48 hours this week, President Biden faced a double-barreled onslaught of political and personal setbacks, as his son’s business dealings and personal struggles created new turbulence at a time when his advisers wanted to focus attention on the problems of former president Donald Trump and House Republicans.

Do I really have to caption this?

The Mark Twain Library in Detroit was closed for renovations 
back in 1996 but has never reopened. They have some kinda 
priorities up there in Motor City, don't they?

I had a friend named Pat Hennessy. Pat was slightly unhinged, and I have no idea if he's still alive, but I'd seriously doubt it. He was a little off center most of the time, but he was funny as fuck and strong as a bull, so he was cool to hang with.
Anyways, back in the 70's we all usta hang out on a street corner like most everybody else did too who grew up in a city. We'd usually start showing up at Tiffany Corner around six or so, and by the middle of the night there'd be 35-40 guys and girls there hangin' out, gettin' high, bullshitting - you know - standard every day shit. Well, one night I was the first one there, and when a couple guys showed up we threw in what dough we had and Harry the Hat went to get us a case of beer.
I never left the corner that night. People came and left, but I hung 'cause I was waiting for some girl to show up (who never did). Anyway, about 9:00, Pat Hennessy came climbing down outta the tree that was right there on the corner. What the fuck? I said and he said he hadda take a leak, and walked over to the bushes and did just that. 
The fuckin' guy had been up in that tree with a six-pack of beer the whole night just watching and listening to everything that went on underneath him. He never made a sound or said a word - he just sat there getting high in that tree all night taking everything in underneath him. That's the story seeing this comic panel reminded me of.



"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things."
Marvin Heemeyer       
After years of fighting the zoning commission in Granby, Colorado, Marvin Heemeyer decided to get revenge — by building a "killdozer" to destroy the town. Over the course of about a year and a half, Heemeyer secretly modified a Komatsu D355A bulldozer by adding armored plates to cover the cabin, engine, and parts of the tracks. Between the sheets of steel, he also added a layer of concrete for additional protection. For visibility, Heemeyer mounted a video camera on the exterior of the "killdozer," complete with three-inch bulletproof plastic. Within the cockpit, he set up two monitors to observe his destruction along with gun ports, which held three separate rifles. And then, on a summer day in 2004, Heemeyer sealed himself inside the cockpit of the vehicle, apparently with the intention of never coming out again.
Learn more about Marvin Heemeyer's "killdozer" — which ultimately knocked down 13 buildings and caused $7 million worth of damage: 

That's subtle. I like subtle...
 Does your wife or girlfriend appreciate jewelry 
that's a little more classic in style?

Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping!

I honest to god gotta believe that this ad didn't sell a single fuckin' car. 
Somebody somewhere along the line thought this was a good play on words 
or some stupidity and took it WAY too fuckin' far. Juss' sayin'...

Speaking of car companies...

By the time they get done, you won't be able to buy anything new made-in-America for under 40G's. The Koreans and the Jap car makers are gonna be rollin' in it.

A classic Jersey dietary staple - Taylor Ham, egg and cheese on a good, crusty hard roll. There's some kinda unwritten man-code up there that all guys who live there gotta eat one of these at least once a week. 
We can get all of the ingredients here in Florida 'ceptin' for the hard roll. The only way you get a real hard roll here in Florida is to leave it out on the counter for five days until the fucker gets rock hard and inedible. 
Ever since I've lived here I've said the same thing - the fuckin' bread here is terrible. It's made for old people who have to gum their food and\or all those people from the Midwest who've never eaten anything that didn't come in a fuckin' Wonderbag. Why the fuck can't anybody figure out how to fuck with the water here to make a decent bread with a semblence of crust? I'll be over here waiting...

These fuckin' guys like their medals, don't they?


Give what you can when you can...


  1. One of the main reasons the north koreans wear so many medals is that they are "grandfathered in", so to speak. They are allowed to wear everything their fathers and grandfathers wore. This is mainly because they know they have not been in a war since the 1950s. I still don't think that accounts for all the badges they wear, which is most of what we see here. Their medals are actually very few, but the rest of the coats are taken up by all the badges. I guess no one in north korea ever said, "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!!"

  2. get off the statins they will kill you
