Monday, September 11, 2023

It's hard to be a Yankees fan these days...

So pretty much everybody knows that the Yankees play in the Bronx,
and die-hard New York baseball fans also know that back when the Giants were in New York, they played at the Polo Grounds, which was located across the river in Manhattan. What a lot of people across the country may not know is just how close those two stadiums were to each other.
Two different teams, two different leagues - but both in different boroughs and both within walking distance of each other. You could go to a day game to see the Giants and then walk over to see a night game with the Yankees...


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  1. And the Braves clinched a post season spot.

  2. Would've loved to see a game at the Polo Grounds....perhaps if more people felt that way, the Giants would still be in New York....funny thing, i could care less about seeing the Giants in commieville.....frankly, anything to do with California doesn't interest me, unless it's sawing the fucking place off and letting it drift away from the rest of the country....we'll figure out how to make up for the vegetables....the plants, not the humans....we have one in the white house now, and that's really enough....
