Thursday, September 14, 2023

Is CNN and the Dem big guns turning on Biden? You bet yer ass they are... - Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi conceded Joe Biden may drop out of the 2024 race - then smirked, laughed and dodged the question when asked if she thinks Kamala Harris should run to be re-elected as vice president. Worryingly for the president, Pelosi gave an evasive answer when pressed about whether his career willl continue until 2024 and beyond. 
Asked if she thought 'there's any chance (Biden) does not continue running,' Pelosi gave a less-than-definitive: 'I hope not, I hope not.' The 80 year-old president - who is the oldest ever elected - has faced growing questions over his cognitive abilities - with more of the criticism coming from his own party. Pelosi, 83, also gave a classic non-answer to Anderson Cooper on his show Wednesday night when asked if Harris was 'the best running mate for this president.'
In case you forgot...


  1. Replies
    1. She's 75 and looks 20 years older - and she has always polled poorly and never won an election anywhere but a Democrat-dominated state.
