Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Haters gotta hate. And keep on hating, And keep on believing themselves...

And they vote. Think about THAT...


  1. yeah. there is no help for these people. brainwashed as hell. they bitch about the price of everything going up but
    can't figure out why they are so high ? I guess or bet they watch CNN and think it is the most trusted name in news too. while I think trump is a bit of a blowhard myself, there is no doubt that he tried to do right by the country. as I point out to the local dems before. kind of nice to have gas under 2 bucks a gallon. no new wars or
    other bullshit. and my MIL didn't have to worry about getting her meds or food every month. dave in pa.

  2. It's the Big Lie and someone who accepts it.

  3. These libturds are mentally incompetent. They love that challenge.

  4. I talked to a guy I thought I knew well the other day and he said he would reluctantly vote for Trump but Nikki Haley was looking and sounding good. I did my best to set him straight about Haley, but I don't hold out much hope.
