Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Good ole' Hillary - still pissing people off after all these years...

TheDailyBeast.com - A Columbia University computer science professor was none too thrilled to find that the blackboards in his lecture hall had been covered up by a special cloth backdrop for Hillary Clinton’s new class. Jae Woo Lee, who teaches Advanced Programming to more than 500 students, fired off an email to his students that said he was tempted to “rip the cloth-wall myself to get to the blackboards” if he was stuck in the same classroom again, the Columbia Daily Spectator reported. Lee told the student paper that he was informed the backdrop had to stay up so Clinton’s lectures could be filmed. “I do understand that this is a high profile event, obviously, Hillary Clinton. I love Hillary Clinton,” Lee said. “It just doesn’t feel right to me that this was done just for the filming aspects when there are actually thousands of students who will take classes there.” 

Lee’s class was eventually moved to a new building.


  1. this is a high profile event, obviously, Hillary Clinton. I love Hillary Clinton
    So??!! Eat it, you love her,, kiss that ugly thing and Appreciate what she is doing to you. Moron

  2. Wanna bet who the Democrats run for President/VP in 2024? My bet is Michelle and Hillary. Think of the cat fight when they try to decide who gets what!

  3. They are already making room in the J6 prison for him.....


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